Rwby fm - wolves win! at least it wasnt a ******* scumstomp

Vote Count

Accused Voters Number
SirDerpsAlot Marshal, Mistyx, Vulgard 3/6
Marshal SirDerpsAlot, Hippoyeetus 2/6
Vulgard Arete, Atlas 2/6
Blizer EliThePsycho 1/6
Arete ArcticXI 1/6
Not voting Blizer 1

About 3.5 hours remain.

Why tf am I a wagon

everyone has decided to kill you

Marshal is legit obv wolfing



no, marshal is probably always town here
they proved that they knew i was the doctor from day 1 so the wazza kill makes no sense if she was a wolf

So are you saying that Vul/Arete are both town slots going at each other then?

I think Arete pointed out how Vul treated my slot throughout the game was pretty ehhhh for sure

and looking back at it, it actually does give me some wolf vibes on Vul there tbh, cause i do remember how i felt he was looking to always poking a hole in my posts more so than trying gauge with my thought process and my reads really.

no i still think arete is probably a wolf
i just donā€™t think the case was particularly wolfy

??? How does one prove they know youā€™re a pr

Also marshal is so obviously pushing agenda itā€™s not even funny


I think Vul/Arete

should be a big focus to solve tmrw no matter what though

cause im inclined to agree with Marshal that this is very much t/w

could they be distancing in a very convcincing matter

Yes they can be, but i think both slots have town and wolf moments that we need to over and establish

Derps has spent four days saying this, yet never really pushing for it to happen. Heā€™s had at least three opportunities to start a real Marshal wagon, case her, whatever, and he never took any of them.

if you read the game you might find out

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if someone could say why arete is town thatā€™d be great

Iv been busy and also lazy

Very helpful

right, so like you this entire game


wow guys remember this w/w interaction
thatā€™s a thing


i donā€™t think marl saying that makes them any less likely to be w/w with how much he likes to bus