Rwby fm - wolves win! at least it wasnt a ******* scumstomp

i don’t think he even explained the read, which makes it even more likely to be bussing

Yeah im not arguing against you on that

im agreeing on your point

Marl would do this if he believes his wolf partners are not strong enough to carry the game, so he would set them up

it makes sense honestly

Also his behaviour around Eli is something ive pointed out

and i do not think anyone has really talked about it, even though i pointed it out already.

[quote=“Blizer, post:5779, topic:87956, full:true”]

[quote=“Marluxion, post:315, topic:87956”]

This post here essentially

Basically i was wondering if that interaction was distancing from Eli or not from Marl there super early into the game

problem is i think eli could just be town from this
especially because of the way he describes it as opportunistic
the reason he thunderdomed chloe was because in his opinion, she was being opportunistic

I mean yeah that is true honestly, and something i agree with

But it’s something thats in the back of my mind, Cause honestly, Eli has been frozen today in terms of gamestate imo, and it is concerning me honestly.

I get the overwhelming impression Blizer’s looking for outs rather than trying to solve the game.

He’s pushed nearly everyone by now, notably excluding Derps and Atlas, the first two people on my yeet list.

I literally said im game for Derps Flip today

And i actually did go into Marshal and Derps interaction calling it T/W, which btw, looks fuckign correct


^ day 1.

Day 2:

Response to lol putting eli in a hypothetical team with Derps and lol.

Marl’s pushes: lol/derps/eli
Brief stint with Chloe day 1.

Marl may like bussing, but I don’t think he exclusively pushes partners. 1+ villagers in lol/Derps/Eli.

Eli looks hard spewed town from Marl’s posting unless Marl was setting Eli up to go deep (lol).

The real thing that spews Eli town here is Marl flipping his read on Eli to V at some point during day 1, then going back to an Eli wolfread for no reason other than lol telling him to do so day 2.

Don’t think this is partner behavior. Feels like Marl wanted to add a villager to his push list.

Partly because Marl doesn’t even credit for it if Eli flips W. Lol does. With Marl’s given reasoning being what it is, he would never get credit for pushing Eli. He went Eli W → Eli V → actually Eli W, thanks lol. He’s abandoning credit on Eli W if Eli’s his partner. If Eli’s V, this works as passing the blame to lol.

Now, this reads like a bus attempt if I’ve ever seen one. Especially the bolded part.

Derps +2, Eli is a villager. My yeet order only loses us the game if the towncore has a wolf in it (super unlikely) or if it’s Eli/Arete (and Marl spew looks particularly good for Eli, as I’ve just outlined).

I checked the Marl/lol interactions, but found nothing pinging me either way. Can be W/W, can be W/V.



Though to be fair, with Derps all but guaranteed to flip W fmpov, and Eli all but guaranteed to be a villager based on spew + not belonging to many worlds, the yeet order is completely irrelevant as long as we go with Derps first and you don’t yeet me.

Because it’s a PoE of 4 with 3 wolves in it and we have one misyeet to spare.

mist/arctic/arete/marshal/eli v

i feel pretty good about this list?

Still confident Hippo’s out of wolfrange but idk. I’ve been thinking about it.

Old game, but this is the last Hippo wolfgame I remember. The posts quoted comprise the biggest push he made all game. The push is mostly OMGUS from the looks of it.

Compare this to these.

[quote=“Hippoyeetus, post:3976, topic:87956”]

this was you at end of D1 with me at top end of your reads (when I was defending you from Eli)

not even in ur team towards end of D1

then D2 after I started saying you have made such little sense you are probably mafia you come up with this read. and since then you have been saying im mafia but you dont give any other reasons, just stuff like this:

You gave one post where you actually gave decent reasons where I might be mafia:

The bolded also strongly indicates a lack of TMI to me.