Rwby fm - wolves win! at least it wasnt a ******* scumstomp

Another take from very early on.

Compare this to his wolfgame, again. The level of thought and level of caring about his reads are quite different.

Iā€™ve reached the conclusion Eli is just town, Derps is just mafia, Arete/Blizer/Atlas has 2/3 wolves and the people I havenā€™t named are all villagers. As long as you trust me, the game should be won.

If it were up to me, Iā€™d kill both Atlas and Blizer before Arete. Areteā€™s case on me was wrong, but didnā€™t look like bad faith. If Arete does flip wolf, I might pull an ā€œI told you soā€ but I probably wonā€™t care enough. Atlas and Blizer are also wolves in more worlds than Arete, and Iā€™ve questioned Blizerā€™s views numerous times already. I think heā€™s mostly self-preserving rather than looking for wolves.

And before you ask me about the risks again, there are two ways we lose the game if you follow this plan:

Eli/Arete are both wolves
Marshal/Hippo/Arctic/Mistyx/Vulgard contains a wolf

Marshal is a villager. Combination of massive postcount, several good reads I liked, knowing Arctic was PR from day 1 (and proving that she knew) without Arctic dying in the night. I know Iā€™ve called Marshal a wolf several times, but Iā€™m not tunnely enough not to recognize everything that points to Marshal town here.
Hippo is a villager. Heā€™s out of wolfrange. His depth of thought, level of caring about his reads, and tonal notes all outshine what heā€™s capable of as a wolf. Him leveling up as a wolf is not unreasonable, but I donā€™t think it would reach this level.
Arctic and Mistyx are both claimed town PRs with no counterclaims, Mistyx even has a confirmed shot. If you think either of those are wolves then you either havenā€™t read anything or you are pepega.
Whether you believe Vulgard is a villager or not is your prerogative, but I hope I made it obvious today. Iā€™m the only person who has made a definitive plan to win the game, argued for it, made sure we couldnā€™t lose to anything that has a reasonable chance of being true. I mightā€™ve made mistakes, had weird progression, backed off my reads for no good reason, but thatā€™s because I am town and I have no TMI to help me build better-sounding arguments.

Eli/Arete both being wolves would require Marl to bus all his partners on day 1 (which I donā€™t think even a busser at his level does) +1 villager, and on day 2 (his wolflist on day 2 was Eli/lol/Derps). The day 2 part happened before it was revealed that min had tracked him to the nightkill. Again, Marl is a busser, but even Marl doesnā€™t do this. You can argue that he does, indeed, do this, but I think the chance is very small. Also, it would require Eli voting his partner at EoD3 instead of any of the two village alternatives (Blizer and PKR). Again, why. Eli may not be opposed to bussing on principle, but he has no discernible reason to help kill a partner there. He doesnā€™t need the towncred, nobody is looking at him.

vul if you were in a hypothetical F3 with me and eli i would vote you over eli

with that said i do not think you/arete are ever w/w so like

i would just switch you two in that list

100% understand that. Thereā€™s a lot more that looks bad for me than there is that looks bad for Eli. If Eli is a wolf here then kudos for the wolves maneuvering in such a weird way that didnā€™t make them look like partners. I would still try to case him in that f3 but if town lost there because of you voting me I wouldnā€™t be mad.

The problem is that in a world where Blizer/Derps/Atlas isnā€™t the exact team, voting me after them means you lose to wolf!Arete (itā€™s f4). The optimal play there is for me/Arete to crossvote and the other two players alive to tiebreak. Apparently we canā€™t no-yeet, which would be optimal otherwise to force a f3 with me and Arete crossvoting 100% of the time there.

If the game does go to f4 with me/Arete +2 then I donā€™t envy the +2 that have to vote correctly.

Though at that point I hope people will realize that my plan killed two wolves, while Arete spent most of their time today trying to push me over said wolves.

About an hour until EoD. I want everyone to be voting Derps. If anyone else flips today and doesnā€™t flip mafia weā€™re in a worse spot on day 5.

Or you vote me, but if you vote me then itā€™s a Haru Okumura moment right there. Except my entire play until the last couple of hours wasnā€™t nearly as good as Haruā€™s.

There are like 2 people alive who will get that reference, but yeah.

smh why is everyone slanking

dunno if day is ober rn or not (assuming its not but i guess ill play it safe) but i have thoughts if it isnā€™t

@Aelin forums back

ok I think this means the day is extended

I skimmed the last 60 posts

a couple people said they wanted to ask me things , I think @Blizer was one of them, @Marshal might have been too but I forget

anyways I am here

ask me things


if the case is too many words can you just read through section 1-B

I think thatā€™s the one where Iā€™m the most, like, ā€˜I cannot understand how this comes from a villager in any worldā€™

Do we think wolves tried to save PKR as a miselim for later?


how to do preflip analysis according to people in this game

two people you already think are wolves are defending each other

ā€˜this must mean that theyā€™re wolves defending each other because wolves donā€™t want wolves to get executedā€™

two people you think are wolves are pushing each other

ā€˜this must mean that theyā€™re wolves defending each other for towncredā€™

someone you think is a wolf is defending someone you think is a villager

ā€˜this must mean they have TMIā€™

someone you think is a wolf is pushing someone you think is a villager

ā€˜this must be agendaā€™

how to do postflip analysis according to people in this game

someone you think is a wolf defended/was defended by a wolf

ā€˜this is W/W because Mafia would want to save their partnersā€™

someone you think is a wolf pushed/was pushed by a wolf

ā€˜this is W/W because wolves/Marl might bus their partners for towncredā€™

someone you think is a wolf pushed a villager

ā€˜they must have been a wolf trying to misyeet themā€™

someone you think is a wolf defended a villager

ā€˜they must have been mafia with TMIā€™

Day will be extended to 2021-06-10T16:00:00Z

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My current world is something in the realm of Derps and Blizer are mafia members who deliberately tried to keep PKR alive as a miselim for later