Rwby fm - wolves win! at least it wasnt a ******* scumstomp

So, I hit a bit of a snag, I play so differently to you all XD I need to somehow make 15 posts that are on topic, but I dont Scum any of you, I work more mechanically, so till someone dies your all pretty much neutral to me and will stay that way. Even if one person gets aggressive or defensive, or just goes meh when the fingers are pointed at them, none of that on Day 1 actually makes me feel any alignment one way or another.

As for me though, I am VT all the way! I have a vote, and can type. No clue if flavor text actually means anything so no point posting it XD

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that isn’t going to work

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Bro what’s the point in quoting me and reacting with this, how am I meant to respond, why did you quote me and what does this mean lolada

Claiming VT in 2nd post is true power move


Yeah, I realised that after reading the first 300 messages that to me all the posting is just banter, till something happens its just point and see what happens.

im asking other ppl to look at it
i dont know even why i gutread chloe as cautious
and you somehow agree to it

there is only one town role in this setup that can find mafia mechanically
and even then, it’s not a guarantee
especially since they will usually die before they get multiple redchecks

you can’t play this game without the social aspect

Do u want me to explain why I was sus of her around the same time you were?

One way to get better at social reads is to just share any thought that comes to your head that could potentially mean something alignment-indicative for someone - and i mean anything

It doesnt matter how detailed your thoughts are, or if you even understand what it could mean for someone. Just tossing out an ‘i really dont like this post and heres why’ gives us a better understanding of your thought process and helps us sort you
And its also good practice for becoming more confident in day 1 reads

if you’re willing, i’d really appreciate if you did this ^^

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No reason to hide it, Its us and mafia.

Claiming VT removes you from the pool of potential power roles, and makes it easier for mafia to narrow in on who they need to kill

too late now but, just a tip for the future

at the start of the game a lot of it is just meming, yes
but at this point the game has definitely passed the meme phase and there are valuable social interactions you can read into

They’ve improved tbf, but at the time of ur post I had just read a few things which pinged me so I agreed

But my read was mostly saying “cheese has an opener witha natural read so likely town” not that your read was correct if that makes sense.

Can someone who is saying chloe is cautious actually explain why the fuck

Arctic is the towniest person here im shielding him for the rest of the game and nothing can stop me


To me, its banter. I think rather differently. Think of town of Salem, People speak day 1 to not die to mafia, mafia avoid day 1 speakers usually. In this, thats not a thing, and people can post/say what they want. So to me, the most sus are people pointing at people. Thats it. But thats just banter.

In this game there is a day 1 execution

What you say matters

Yeah, but can also just be a fake claim. Mafia don’t know, same as Town don’t know if I am Town

Wazza wagon kinda bad