Rwby fm - wolves win! at least it wasnt a ******* scumstomp

okay so that’s actually closer to my real reasoning than I was expecting you to say

you know how Ellibereth has been working with people on FM

I was talking to him about champs game 1 a few days ago (before I replaced in here) and he brought up a specific type of callout that he apparently did math to and is >>rand to be W/W (I tried to avoid saying the exact tell at the time because I know he tends to be protective of that sort of knowledge, I am similarly doing so now, also I expected that explaining it would be very unpersuasive)

and then Vul was like ‘oh, I see, you mean like how she was shading Derps without trying to get her killed?’ which wasn’t my actual point but I thought it was a decent point and wouldn’t make me sound crazy so I went along with it

as in like

I thought it was a good argument that you two actually were W/W

How’d that one work out :wowed:

wait I just realized I called Derps ‘she’

the ‘her’ in that sentence refers to Derps

(please please no one use this as a reason for clearing me, pronoun reads are very weh and I’ve messed up pronouns as all combinations of alignments)

I obviously can’t really prove or disprove it? I think it’s >rand to be real, I don’t expect you make up this random elaborate excuse to hide a read, but I think it’s possible you saw me do whatever it is and was like “hey what if I push marshal and derps as w/w for me”

Prob a slightly better look because it doesn’t really feel like “Derps is getting heat from Marissa let me set it up as a bus just in case” although that could still be it or part of it and it also doesn’t have to be the reason you push that if wolf

I think you’d hate me permanently if I said this was your best post all game


Meh realistically it’s not but I think it’s villagery

Not entirely sure wny

in unrelated news
now i want marshal out for some reason >:(
stop being dumb brain

My brain hurts
I need to get to pc which is not coming until midnight my time

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alright so i’m at pc but am extremely tired so imma just sleep

will solve hardcore in the morning etc (will also towncase myself cuz that seems a bit necessary)

Marshal specifically appealing to the fact that I’m making her feel bad to get me to stop talking about the quickhammer is probably villagery

I don’t think she would lie about that and I don’t think she would feel bad about it as a wolf

anyways I’m going to bed

Okay, uh.

Obviously I was wrong on Blizer. Do I have anything to say about that? …Not really? Sorry?

1+ villagers in Arete/Atlas/Eli.

And the reason I say 1+ instead of just 1 is this.

Derps was in antispew. He wasn’t even trying.

This is the behavior of a wolf who knows his death doesn’t impede the wolf wincon in any way. The remaining two wolf PRs should be deeper than we think, or at least one of them should.

Oh yeah, and the quickhammer was a bad idea, but I partly blame myself for it happening. I should’ve made it clear I didn’t endorse it.

This is Arete’s towniest day so far, but a big part of it is frustration over the quickhammer and I’m not sure if I should be townreading that.

Another part of it is the fact Arete… stopped pushing me. And okay, this sounds like a meme, and I’m proving the “if Arete scumreads me I scumread them” thing by saying this, but today is the easiest possible day for a wolf to push me. I’ve just significantly contributed to misyeeting a villager just before MyLo. But Arete is like “hm maybe Vulgard town” now, and if Arete’s a wolf, that’s an awful idea, unless they’re trying to pocket me. They need misyeet options. It’s possible they are just bouncing to other misyeet options (Marshal) but I 100% understand their POV on Marshal here as well.


I definitely think something feels wrong and there’s a misclear, considering how Derps decided to play (or rather, not play) the game. If his death was an important blow to the wolfteam, then he would’ve played it differently. He didn’t spew anyone, sure, so it’s not like his death outed a partner, but if his team was about to get plonked one by one, I’d assume he’d fight a little harder than this. The “not taking the game seriously” thing aside.