Rwby fm - wolves win! at least it wasnt a ******* scumstomp

i thought i was gonna die, i read ~nothing overnight and didn’t finish my walls

ftr the wall I had was a village case on hippo but i wasn’t able to recover it in the end

can you post the incomplete walls


oh I got confused because you used “walls” which is plural so I thought there was more than one


Hippo was ~never a ml so him dying doesn’t completely suprise me, although i’m in a relatively similar position and clearly trying harder


I planned to do some but obviously did not

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tip for the future

if you write your walls in a word processor like Google Drive you won’t lose them if your computer crashes

Im also feeling very sick atm so don’t expect a ton from me, i’ll try my hardest because i have free time and not much else to do but also don’t really feel like doing things atm so it’s gonna be harder

I still believe in eli/atlas cross but imma need some time to think obv

oh right


would it be helpful for me to towncase myself

I was going to ask at SoD and forgot

if not I am obviously still happy to answer questions about my thought process/etc. at any point in the game

it’s what we in the business call ‘based’

(Im gonna address some things to ease my own mind before trying my hardest to actually read the game)

yes it would

if possible I want you to speak as to what you were thinking throughout your (unfortunately limited) time in the game moreso than why what you have done is villagery, because if you’re a villager I think it’d be easier to find you that way?

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There were a lot of things I was really pissed that i didn’t get to address yesterday so i’m going to do that first, a lot of it was the hippo read which has resolved itself but there are some loose ends i’d like to tie up first

I’m up now

welcome to the underworld
how may we serve you

Im not stupid enough to instantly vote, but i have sus on basically everyone but hippo, so thats fun

what about marshal

The argument between vul and marshal makes me think marshal is wolfy, eli’s lack of posting is wolfy (to be fair, had the same problem for like d4 and d5) is wolfy, and lol was super wolfy before replacement

I basically have sus on everyone but vul, even if he probably thinks im suspicious

wow! what a stellar performance!

i sure hope this isn’t an insult, for your sake