Rwby fm - wolves win! at least it wasnt a ******* scumstomp


I donā€™t really want to keep people waiting but I want to leave as much as I can

Iā€™m going to be on mobile in car until about 3 or 4 hours before EoD

Iā€™m going to see if I can set up a hotspot in the car and finish my legacy then, if not youā€™re getting the solve without quotes and without any other stuff

Gonna need a bit to get set and then will figure things out

ok im on my laptop, im surrounded by various crops so my internet might be pretty bad

(Marshal Iā€™m pretty sure the day ended an hour ago)


host cant keep a sleep schedule, thank you guys for shutting up


Day may start late due to host having a dentist appointment

Probably not but maybe

Hippoyeetus has died
They wereā€¦

Yang Xiao Long


Vanilla Town

The blonde brawler of Team RWBY. Sure, she might be under the leadership of her little sister, but donā€™t that fool you - sheā€™s got quite the nasty punch. And, if you manage to mess with her hairā€¦ well, letā€™s just say that youā€™ll regret it.

Your only abilities are your voice and your vote. Use them wisely.

Defeat all members of the informed minority.

With five alive, majority is three. Additionally, votes are locked, as it is LyLo.

1 Like

why is hippo of all people dead

@aelin day endsā€¦?

47.5 hours

okay so overnight I had talked myself into thinking Hippo was a wolf

feel free to bully me

Derps partner compatibility analysis

Derps talking about Vul

I think overall these interactions are a mildly good look for Vul, there are a few posts (P#1422, P#3554, P#6121) where he directly appeals to Vul in a way that doesnā€™t really feel W/W. Nothing super major but itā€™s not like Derpsā€™s Iso has anything super major anyway :upside_down_face: :upside_down_face: :upside_down_face:

okay I realized after quoting these that I canā€™t actually reasonably just quote every post Vul made about Derps because Vul mentioned him a Lot. in hindsight this should have been obvious before I opened 60+ tabs of Vulposts. Iā€™m going to do my best to summarize the important parts, I guess?

Vul spends a While in early game harddefending Derps for meta reasons, I donā€™t totally get the reasoning here although Iā€™m cautious about the level zero ā€˜you defended a wolf so you are wolfā€™ read. I kind of think he believed the Derps neighborizer claim, which is a good look if true.

He first started to reverse the read around SoD4 citing Derpsā€™s EoD3 being bad, I basically find this a believable progression (I had the same reaction to Derpsā€™s EoD3). His push on Derps is ā€¦ I donā€™t know how much credit to give because Derps was pretty much dead in the water at that point, but thereā€™s nothing that looks obviously TMIish? on the other hand the extent to which he tried to tie other people to Derps (mostly Blizer and Marshal) even before Derps had flipped is pretty yikes.

I think I want to talk to Vul about some of this. Also about several other things.

Derps talking about Marshal

so my first thought when I read this was that it looked pretty bad for Marshal because of e.g. how Derps was talking about how Marshal was Definitely A Wolf but not making any effort to actually push her, which is an extremely classic level 1 W/W interaction. however after I thought about it more Iā€™m not sure that actually applies, normally when Derps is a wolf heā€™s totally willing to randomly CFD partners at EoD (e.g. D1 with me in JoJoā€™s), also I had forgotten how hard he was pushing on Marshal D4 (though he might have been in antispew by that point). overall Iā€™m pretty conflicted on these interactions, I think I think theyā€™re a worse look for Marshal because thereā€™s no point where Derps makes any attempt to hedge against Marshal being V/avoid looking bad if Marshal is a villager but Iā€™m not super confident in that.

like with Vul Marshal has a whole lot of posts on Derps and Iā€™m not going to try and quote them all, instead Iā€™m just going to talk about them

I think her specifically advocating for Derps to be vigged over Eli (even if she pushed PKR over both of them) is probably a good look, I think a bus would more be more likely to look like trying to get Derps voted out than shot since that tends to get more cred. Iā€™m pretty confused how she supposedly saw Marl spew as a good look for Derps and think itā€™s kind of a bad look, like, Marshal is pretty decent at spew analysis normally and yet missed all the W/W looking interactions to focus on some pretty minor points. neighborizer thing is whatever, actually on second thought I take that back since she explicitly said she didnā€™t believe it and knew Night was neighborizer. which I guess still makes it ā€˜whatever.ā€™ anyways. she started going after Derps again around D3 (?) which is fine, maybe good even, Derps wasnā€™t really under as much pressure at that point. ok I just got to 4744 and I am very ??? about how Marshal as a villager would still be shielding Derps on a spew basis?? (also, her refusing to acknowledge that Marl going out of his way to tie my slot to Derps is village-AI for me but spending several days shielding Derps for ā€œā€ā€œspewā€"" that isnā€™t even a good look is kind of ridiculous). P#4779 is pretty villagery, it feels like the sort of thing I think when Iā€™m talking myself slowly into a read as town. P#5048 where she says sheā€™s cool with chopping Blizer because he has high partner equity with Derps WHO HASNā€™T FLIPPED YET is extremely yikes. then from there itā€™s pretty much straight ā€˜derps wolf vote derps,ā€™ which is fine but not out of her wolfrange given that Derps was super inactive and prime bussing territory.

also fwiw I find Marshalā€™s ā€˜Derps would be trying harder as Mafia if we were partnersā€™ thing exactly zero persuasive, like, in my experience with Derps when he lowefforts as Mafia itā€™s usually because of being busy IRL rather than generic hatred for the alignment and he would obviously be equally busy regardless of who his partners are.

Derps (not) talking about Atlas

when I first saw this I thought it might be a good look because wolves know that never interacting with other wolves is suspicious and will usually try to force at least a couple interactions but then I checked Eli and Hippo and he never talked about them either. Having read through the Vul/Marshal argument I basically buy that itā€™s not W/W albeit for an extremely bad reason which means that Derps having literally no interactions with three slots in the game is probably NAI for those slots.

Atlas talking about Derps

none of these posts make me feel any sort of way

Derps (not) talking about Hippo

:joy_cat: no interactions :joy_cat:

Hippo talking about Derps

I actually hate Hippoā€™s progression on Derps, which kind of sucks because I think we probably just lose if Hippo is a wolf but also his progression is really bad, bad enough that I canā€™t just let it slide with villagery posting. Like, he spent most of the game trying to shield Derps for thin reasons most of which are incomprehensible to me (e.g. P#5056, where he says he Isoā€™d Derps and liked it, which is just bizarre since Derpsā€™s Iso was basically completely empty), there are a few moments of shade in there but nothing substantial. Then when Derps started to actually get some heat he randomly pivoted to being totally cool with voting him out (P#6024) with literally no progression. I pulled the vote counts closest to his last townread and first moment of actually being willing to elim him and it lines up pretty closely with when Derps started being a viable wagon target which is extremely typical of a wolf who realized his partner was under pressure and didnā€™t want to look associated.

Derps (not) talking about Eli

no interactions (technically I got three results but none of them are about Eli in any meaningful way, two are literally just pings at aelin)

Eli talking about Derps

none of these really move me strongly, the bit where heā€™s like ā€˜use something real as justificationā€™ to Vul is maybe a slightly good look because heā€™s discrediting a townread on Derps in a way that gets him exactly zero credit but other than that none of the interactions are super meaningful and thatā€™s a pretty minor point


Vul looks ?better?
Marshal looks worse
Atlas and Eli barely interacted with him
Hippo looks worse

(this is copypasted from my overnight notes, I didnā€™t change anything which is why itā€™s talking about Hippo as, you know, not a flipped villager)

you know i wouldnā€™t have consented to a nightskip if i knew day was going to be shorter

I didnā€™t have time to finish my partner compatibility analysis for living players

Iā€™m going to try and get that done by midday before voting starts

probably because he was widely townread

in unrelated news
leaning vul/atlas

ok but i had a tinfoil on him
so like
wolves could have pushed that tinfoil
and killed the universally-lock V marshal