Rwby fm - wolves win! at least it wasnt a ******* scumstomp

Im still not going to vote though :stuck_out_tongue: I stick to my guns.

thats fine iā€™ll just force you to vote tomorrow

if im not around i put arctic in charge

arctic are you pocketed yet

I mean, unless your a role similar to sheriff in ToS you wont get me to vote, Ill vote on information provided XD

The last many times people have said my posts are fake, Iā€™ve flipped town.
But ok.
IDK how to explain my mind and Iā€™m trying to put it into words.

not quite

but having fake posts does not mean you are town
do you see the problem with this point

if you canā€™t explain it and i canā€™t understand it then how am i supposed to believe itā€™s real

I got bored, and as I said earlier, I should probably ISO the two players I was told about.

Hereā€™s Eliā€™s ā€œhalf of day 1ā€ ISO analysis from yours truly.

Reminder that posts of Eliā€™s that arenā€™t exactly needing to be commented on wonā€™t be posted on, Eli has 38 posts, 13 of which I have placed here:

Eli ISO Analysis (Please actually read, for everyone)

Eli starts of with a meme vote on themself, this of course doesnā€™t mean much but Iā€™m mostly including it as I feel like itā€™s more of a method to get attention onto himself early.

This sudden vote strikes me as odd, I canā€™t help but feel like itā€™s some sort of theatre play. At first I thought this was a memevote but later on I realised that it wasnā€™t a memevote but instead a performative vote to try and ā€œshow theyā€™re doing somethingā€ in the game, at least thatā€™s what it felt to me. He proceeds to call it AtE

and question the mere existence of it. This couldā€™ve been fine but he continued on it.

AtEing isnā€™t a thing if itā€™s not intentional and if heā€™s doing it unintenionally and not a way to trick us all, why would you vote him? If itā€™s not intentional, then itā€™s not pointing towards whether he is scum or not.

Do you want to kill him for if heā€™s scum or just because you donā€™t like him for what he posted?

Hereā€™s the answer.

Terrible post, thereā€™s no way you ā€˜forgetā€™ youā€™re voting the player you were literally just pushing on in the same hour, you stated youā€™d kill off PKR and literally 7 minutes later youā€™re like ā€˜oh Iā€™m still voting him, oh gee golly I was unaware!ā€™. Thatā€™s completely false and a clear lie. This post feels so fake to me. Also closes off an Eli/PKR team in my eyes from this one post.

Unexplained reads, begin explaining them, please and thank you. Also, you re-read quite quickly for a player who didnā€™t know they were voting another player.

Self-Metaā€™ing yourself is bad, I do it, yes. But Iā€™m a hypocrite anyway.

This post (the full post, Iā€™m not quoting it all and making this ISO analysis larger than it needs to be). This post is far too large for a random fluff post, it has so little content yet so much fluff, this feels intentionally done just to annoy people and make Eli seem like heā€™s doing stuff.

The rest of his posts are complete fluff that unlike his last one, didnā€™t need to be commented on.

/vote EliThePsycho @Aelin

My vote will remain here for the timebeing, Iā€™m going to move onto PKRā€™s ISO shortly, chances are however his ISO will not change my vote due to Eli and PKRā€™s interactions.

What do u think about wazza? Do you think they are a vibe? Im trying to get help on what they are. whatā€™s in YOUR head rn so I can find u as town possibly because right now youā€™re giving me the mafia equivalent to the heeby jeebies for some reason

Also, considering how he played last game blue is just. Town lol.

I mean, look, ok.
Donā€™t believe itā€™s real and go off that then.
Just bear in mind what Iā€™ve said.

Itā€™s going to be really easy to misread me like that.

Also, why does everyone want to talk about me every two seconds?

Iā€™ve barely posted and at the time of everyone wanting to talk about me and discuss my slot, I had one actual post.

I havent even talked about uā€¦? Until now ?

min, I said everyone for a reason, Iā€™m not directing it at just you.

I read up on the thread and I see my name being mentioned various times.

I just asked chloe a random question on someone so she can talk more and it can be helpful to me

Thatā€™s fair.

Talking about you though, whatā€™s your opinion? What slot do you want dead today?

Honestly? I dont know

Iā€™ve honestly been having trouble lots of it this game

I dunno if itā€™s just me but Iā€™m generally finding trouble processing alot of peoples posts

okay Iā€™m genuinely glad Iā€™m not the only one.

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hereā€™s a tip

ISO a player of your choosing, read it and analyse on the perspective that they are scum, then do it again but do it on the perspective that they are town (or do it the other way around)

This might help you clear your thoughts up slightly.

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