Rwby fm - wolves win! at least it wasnt a ******* scumstomp

no im saying
“wow! wolf defending his partner!”

So your saying its me and vul, eli?


Where’s your proof on vul then? I’ve had my suspicious moments, but i doubt he has ever

see: arete

Arete was lol slot.


We almost voted lol out from how suspicious he was

yes, yes we did

So what made you do a total 180 and decide aretes good?


  1. it’s probably just vul and you, which makes arete a villager
    the reason i think this is because arete’s case was v convincing
  2. arete mega villagery
  3. lol said something about always being wolfy, and now that arete’s been villagery it’s more convincing and looks less like an excuse

yes, this is circular reasoning.

it just sounds like to me your saying the same thing over and over again because you can’t find a reason

it just sounds to me like ur a wolf lol

I would say I’m OK with voting already, but I know it’s bad play. I’m gonna hear everybody out.

Marshal not dying in the night and Hippo dying instead, when Hippo said he had absolutely no idea who the Mafia were, is concerning. Hippo’s last suggested team was Eli and Arete, but I doubt he was killed for that.

I think Arete has been villagery both yesterday and today.

My suspicious list is
Eli top

love how you just
put me at the top for this one thing

please don’t tinfoil

Last time you posted before this was 1812

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Atlas I have a question

When I initially cased Vul you responded by voting him (Vul)

Can you walk me through your thought process between there and here