Rwby fm - wolves win! at least it wasnt a ******* scumstomp


I assume that, considering the amount of suspicion on me, I will have to vote first, and Iā€™m OK with that.

Why should I not tinfoil? This is the final chance I have to catch a deepwolf, if we have one.


Vul back then was playing weirdly, and that was the second 12 page novel written on how vul is bad

@Arete I sort of understand where youā€™re coming from as far as the 'Marshal is going out of her way to discredit me", because the empirical effects of my reads on your slot have mostly been making you look worse and combating village reads on you for what might seem like no reason.

But realistically, I can still see a you/eli team as possible and Iā€™m really unconvinced by the idea of marlā€™s pushes being clearing as far as the both of you not being partnered. The quotes below give me a bit of pause but I stand by my original idea that marlā€™s range of what he would do as a wolf and how he would interact with partners is generally large, and I also think that the quote speaks well to a world I brought up earlier


ā€œi much prefer to GET bussed so i dont have the stress of losing after bussing someoneā€

Marl was a goon (which I donā€™t think factors in as much as people think, but I think it could change his mindset on how to play), and played boldly day 1, doming chloe and overall playing in an inflammatory way. I believe he thinks low of his wolf meta and I find it very possible that it was his plan fairly early on to eat a bus, which makes antispew in general a lot likelier in my opinion.

And so I do think a you/eli world is very possible in this specific world and also makes a good amount of sense relating to marlā€™s actions.

tagging @Vulgard as iā€™d like him to see the above as well.

As far as the ā€œThere could be other reasons for derps to not post a ton as w/wā€ youā€™reā€¦ objectively right, although I believe my statement anyways. Derps and I are bros. Homies. I can tell he was hype to play with me and I think that if we were wolves together even if his post numbers were the same weā€™d have more potent interactions in-thread.

This is probably not something that can really be objectively used in my favor but that doesnā€™t stop me from believing itā€™s true.


And now,

Heā€™s playing straight, and I feel his flip from pushing on arete now to not was good

if thereā€™s a time to tinfoil itā€™s lylo


did Vul do anything between then and now to change your mind?

Several things, Yes.

If you want I can iso vul to find his good posts.

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You seem awfully confident there is no deepwolf for someone who was incapable of telling me who the wolves were yesterday.

iā€™m personally leaning towards atlas being the likelier wolf out of eli/atlas, despite the fact that I think eli/arete is the most likely team from most angles


the only one who would be a deepwolf is marshal
and that never happens

why not?

Iā€™m just keeping that in mind, because yesterday, you couldnā€™t really give me a coherent worldview, but today, you are like ā€œThere is no deepwolf!ā€ and ā€œYou shouldnā€™t tinfoil!ā€ Where did the switch come from?

ā€¦ if i can figure out how

the switch came from me being convinced the team is you/atlas

I agree that hippo wasnā€™t killed for his eli/arete team
I had the same one, albiet at less confidence. My wim is higher and Iā€™m also more townread than hippo was in general?

Im struggling to figure out why Iā€™m specifically kept alive, I feel like iā€™m straight up wrong somewhere, so i need to do a full re-eval of my stuff before I get anywhere

see: literally everything