Rwby fm - wolves win! at least it wasnt a ******* scumstomp

thanks man

see you in the next 20 years

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itā€™s on D4 or D5 i think

it was prooobably vul

I aired concerns on the slot but iā€™ve never given a real direct wolfread to atlas

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Here you go


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hey wait a minutee
this goes off with a village read

Only one i could find

maybe: shocking i know, he was right?

i thiiink the one iā€™m talking about was by marshal
but it was also very
hedgy? idk if thatā€™s the right word but

Marshal just confirmed they didnā€™t

im p sure vul went altas sux later, you could prob find like 3 different wolfcases and 3 different towncases on every slot in vulā€™s iso



yes exactly

nah i know what eliā€™s talking about, have fun reading 1000 posts to find it

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There is some wolf points about me in there tho

Who posted it? I could go find it

and it comes off with an all-in-all village read

marshal, the one speaking

what day?