Rwby fm - wolves win! at least it wasnt a ******* scumstomp

probably like D4 or D5
maybeee D3 but check that last

I posted a case on you where I stated I thought you were >rand v but there were concerning parts in your iso that I had trouble getting past and that iā€™d prob never hardclear you

idfk lol i forget that ppl like chloe and cheese and appel were even in this game I keep thinking itā€™s a different game I could prob only name like 13 or so slots with every replacement included lol

i had blocked the existence of crichard as a person out of my mind until i read vulā€™s iso again today

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CRichard will remember thatā€¦

I think this was about me, all i could find

that was

Ah, key words donā€™t say anything

It at least said the word iso right?

ok fair

also you are LITERALLY speed

this was not about you


iā€™ll just look through all of marshalā€™s posts

I looked through all the posts between like 600 and 1030 and the only iso they got in that time is onā€¦ themselves

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i cant sleep and am unsatisfied with my thoughts on the game, feel like iā€™m still nowhere despite having read more and made lots of thoughts things

just vote some nerd

iā€™ve been lied to

I keep finding people not w/w with bluelanceamiblizer

prob would have helped if i did this a few days ago

Atlas and arete can very plausibly exist, atlas mentions lolarete slot like twice all game, lol has a weird sbpc v read on atlas all game, afaict areteā€™s atlas read has been consistently hovering around ā€˜shrugā€™