Rwby fm - wolves win! at least it wasnt a ******* scumstomp

I personally am leaning atlas at the moment
mostly because I’m coming around on it not being arete/eli? But I think it could v well be aretelas
Vulgard could realistically be with either, he’s been intentioanlly vague about who he’s voting and his pushes

I’d prob rather vul vote next personally, for a couple of reasons that I’m not sure i want to get into right now but that do exist

I want Atlas to vote Eli and Arete to get here before doing anything. There is no way I’m voting before Atlas crossvotes or we might get snapped.

i feel like it’s likely that whoever i vote dies, so i can vote next if need really do be but i’d need a lot of time

I’ve already explained why. It’s to set myself up for a good f3 since I’m pretty sure I go to f3 if we yeet correctly today.

it doesn’t really matter if we wait for atlas to cross or not, his vote is always gonna go on eli (or well I guess it could theoretically also go on you) but even then it’s confirmed that eli is either a wolf or voted a wolf or both

this is in the world that you vote him

I don’t expect them to know how crossvoting works. As such, they might vote outside of Eli and that’s really bad.

I want to have assurance first.

Either way im fine waiting, I’ve always had the idea of them being confimred 1 wolf inside for a while but having it laid out infront of me presents more to go through

1+. A W/W world isn’t deconfirmed.

Eli was also pretty hesitant to vote, though I’m not sure if that says much.

yah yah i know it’s just too tiring to put “at least” after every post you know what i mean

Yeah, yeah.

Waiting for more people to show up.

This is so tense.


I sometimes wonder what I did to deserve this, then I remember my all-village PoEs.

I definitely deserved this.

me, reading the thread: ‘I kind of want to not have Vul vote first, I think he always votes Eli and I’m scared of a Marshal/Atlas team’

me: ‘nvm’

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I want Eli and Atlas to have a couple hours to thunderdome after Atlas gets back before anyone else votes

really? I thought he was always voting atlas when i’m wary of a you/eli team

Eli/Atlas - what happens today is basically irrelevant

I’ve already looked through Marshal Eli so I only have three more teams that I need to analyze

he was talking about how Atlas was super villagery and Eli/you weren’t

yeah but he’s been going on about you/eli not being w/w and me being villagery at least yesterday so the logical next step is an atlas vote, even with his posts he mentioned having made the choice yesterday and leveling himself out of it so i’ve been predicting him voting atlas