Rwby fm - wolves win! at least it wasnt a ******* scumstomp

atlas my boy if we’re pulling the legacy card you’re losing that battle

Thing is, fmpov it can be either of them, I just voted the one I thought was more likely.

who gives a shit about eli, if i’m town you’re not


I would appreciate if you could both do this

The votes between me and eli, not between me and you


I would also like your thoughts on who you think Atlas’s partner would be and why

Ok but if I am town you are confirmed as mafia, so by convincing people I am town it is convincing them that you are wolf

if you are mafia i’m not confirmed as town but again it does not matter because i’m not up for death




arete is wolfy, im gonna dome them tommorow

because of a few reasons

  1. you made a really good case against vul.
  2. atlas had a really weird treatment of vul today

Btw eli, still working on that iso?

did i ever say i was working on it

You’ve not had a single iso done the like 7 times you promised you would

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i know.

I’m starting to think I should’ve voted Atlas because it’d spare everyone the nervousness, but I think they’re more likely villager than Eli.

I am not ruling W/W completely out.

Marshal still ruling w!Eli out despite literally everything that happened bothers me.

Nobody here is legitimately that nervous, don’t worry

Marshal’s just faking it, and I know arete’s a bit nervous, but I doubt is to a level marshal’s faking it

I’m going to go look at some more birth records from Wilmington, Delaware between 1887 and 1893

see you in a bit

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