Rwby fm - wolves win! at least it wasnt a ******* scumstomp


ok so why would wolves kill dead playesr if they were that wroong ez?

How the wolves win, yes.

Let arete calm down, finish their things and think it over

atlasā€™s flip on the eli read is very bad

You can vote ā€œagainstā€ me and vote out Atlas, and if theyā€™re V, I obviously wonā€™t hold it against you. However you vote, I wonā€™t think any less of you. Iā€™ve played this game horribly and itā€™s possible Iā€™m voting wrong even now, I have no right to call anyoneā€™s choices poor unless I think theyā€™re mafia, and I now know for sure youā€™re town. Mechanically confirmed.

Thats how theyā€™ll make a good decision, right or wrong


Arctic was killed for being a PR
Mist (who admittedly didnā€™t have me as scum) was killed for being a PR
Hippo was probably killed for being consensus V

the other three kills happened before I was able to post in the game but 1-2 of them were also for ā€˜being a PRā€™

Arete can have time whatever whatever

i think they shouldnā€™t be leveling themselves out of the correct answer but iā€™m adrenalined so whatever i doubt theyā€™re gonna do it anyways

Iā€™ve just realized Arete always dies tonight if we get this right and my f3 manipulation was meaningless.

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ok but arctic mist and hippo are all goated nyaa

If arete gets this right, you should already know who the wolf is

I was in the neighborhood all along

mist was fpsing

This a joke?

Arete you said yourself iā€™m not w/w with eli
and if one of eli or me is a villager atlas is wolf


even if I were 100 percent confident in my vote I would probably still be taking a couple hours to figure out partner stuff + leave a legacy for you all to ignore

I basically always die tonight if I get it right, so

itā€™s 10x funnier if itā€™s eli/atlas but right now I know that it is atlas plus one so i want atlas to die by all means necessary

I dont remeber a single dead town against me past d1

neither do i

they all called me ic/very townie

i think every single dead villager d2+ did

What about eli then, marshal?