Rwby fm - wolves win! at least it wasnt a ******* scumstomp

I explained my POV today in my day 1 re-read and in the posts I’ve just written.

tl;dr I think both worlds are possible, lean eli but less than i originally do because my impression of vul’s perspective is different than what I thought it was so I need to take that in again

If I think you’re not with Atlas then Eli is always a wolf fmpov and voting Atlas is an unnecessary risk.


the game right now

as i said this makes sense but it’s not what i thought you felt yesterday and i thought you had more or less decided yesterday when you were coming in and this evidence is from today so that’s where my mental gap is

My decision was always going to be an Eli vote or an Atlas vote. I was leaning Eli yesterday as well, but I wanted to re-read the entirety of day 1 at least, to be sure. My re-read led me to the conclusion Atlas was villagery and Eli/Marshal had the worst day 1s.

If I’m wrong and Atlas is a wolf then I haven’t had a single correct push this game except the one on Derps I guess (for which I can’t even be credited because I’d townread him for at least 2 days before he flipped).

so you weren’t decided on a specific vote?

I was under the impression you had a specific person in mind

I was going to vote Eli if I had to vote first. However, I ended up not having to vote first, so I thought about it a little more. I also wanted to re-read day 1 at least so I wouldn’t feel like I’m confbiasing.

We always win 5 man if we vote eli, if its me and eli, eli’s dead and flips mafia. If its marshal and eli, we kill eli and he flips mafia

ahfuck it im gonna need to re-read anyways

i’d appreciate the answer to my question but i’m not super concerned with figuring out who in eli or vul is the atlas partner

and if it’s you and vul?

It isn’t me and vul.

The problem is that this assumes you’re town and the two other villagers here don’t know that for sure (if you’re town).

convincing argument, i’m gonna have to take that under consideration

Does arete think its me and vul?

Is that even possible?

Arete knows its not me and them, or eli and them

from aretes pov it is

We could always ask them