Rwby fm - wolves win! at least it wasnt a ******* scumstomp

Don’t mess this up, I wish you luck

I don’t need time, im barely conscious


Aelin, give us the wolf flip.


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I don’t think Aelin is even awake

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Aelin, become awake.

yo @Marshal we can agree that slowrolling is cringe and if you do it it makes you a bad person, right?

You know I don’t slow roll


after I’ve cast my vote like this post if I screwed up and the game is over with a mafia victory

don’t like this post if I did not do that



I’ve … been thinking about this a lot, obviously, and I think on balance the things that have to be true for Atlas to be a wolf are more likely than the things that have to be true for Eli to be a wolf (this is excluding the world where they’re W/W and my vote is irrelevant). In particular, I find Marshal and Eli’s interactions with each other, and with the flipped wolves, to be unlikely to be partnered. Since Vul and Eli cannot be together, that leaves Atlas as the common denominator in worlds I think are viable.

This is – something I’ve been hesitant to do, because I think Atlas’s play, independent of associatives, has been villagerier today, and in particular I feel bad about voting him over Eli when Eli isn’t even bothering to try, and Atlas is. Atlas, if you’re a villager, I’m sorry, and this is on me, not you. Regardless of your alignment, you’ve played a strong game.

If this is wrong, then nothing else matters. If this is right, then – well, I die tonight, as a mech-confirmed person, and the rest of you are left to decide final 3. I would currently rank the three of you, from [most likely to be wolf in an Atlas world] to [least likely], as Eli > Marshal > Vul, with Eli and Marshal closer to each other than Marshal and Vul. I’ve tried to outline my reasoning for my reads, so that you have something to look back on and consider in F3, if there is an F3.

This sucks, because I’m probably not even going to know right away if it was right, I’m pretty sure Aelin’s still asleep. We’ll see if I can even fall asleep tonight not knowing, lol.

/vote Atlas @Aelin


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Vote Count

Accused Voters Number
Atlas EliThePsycho, Marshal, Arete 3/3
EliThePsycho Atlas, Vulgard 2/3

Day is over.


Congratulations. You’ve lost.

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I’m going to assume votecount is correct

The group watched with bated breath. There were only a few of them left, now, and the killings showed no sign of stopping. Despite their attempt at resistance the day prior, one of their friends had still died in the night.

Tears dripped down one person’s face. “After this long… after all this time we’ve spent together? You’re killing me?” Another person paused.

“… maybe. I…” They broke down into tears. “This is too much! Why are we stuck doing this?!” They yelled at nobody in particular, as if cursing some deity for their misfortune in being present in this room.

It took a long time, but… soon enough, they decided. They were lucky enough to know that there were two imposters remaining in the room, and that meant… they needed to find one - today. Their target resisted, of course. It was only natural. But… that wouldn’t stop them. They were confident in their duty. Because, if they were wrong…

Atlas has been kicked out of the room! Not a peep exited their mouth in the meantime.
They were…



Mafia Neapolitan

You may be a mute, but you don’t need to speak to have an impact. You mostly serve under Roman Torchwick, but you’re on loan to Cinder Fall for the moment. Your parasol blade and ability to create glass-like illusions lend themselves well to your natural fighting capabilities, and you definitely look fabulous.

Every night, you may target a player. You will learn if they are a Vanilla Townie.

Reach parity with the Hunters and Huntresses.


Night Seven begins, and will end at 2021-06-17T16:00:00Z



In order to hopefully have this finished before CFM3, night is being shortened to 2021-06-16T18:00:00Z.


Mobileposting, give me a sec

Arete has died!
They were…

Lie Ren


Vanilla Town

Practically the antithesis to his companion, Nora, Lie, more commonly known as Ren, is often quiet and can easily hide his presence. His past isn’t well-known, and he’s not too willing to share.

You have no abilities except for your voice and your vote. Use them wisely.

Defeat all members of the informed minority.

With 3 players alive, majority is two. As it is LyLo, votes are locked. Day Eight has started, and will end in 45 hours.


i’m going to snapvote and NOBODY can stop me.