Rwby fm - wolves win! at least it wasnt a ******* scumstomp

Blizer getting mislimmed can in, absolutely no way be blamed on me.

How is that possible? You might ask.

You’re the one who gunned for him relentlessly. You might say.

This is both true, and false.

Now you are probably confused, this is completely understandable.

I come from a poor background, lived most of my life in isolation and have been neglected by everyone and everything.

One day however, everything changed. It was yesterday. I was, as usual, screaming my lungs out, fighting for what I truly believed was right. I was trying to make a change, I have attempted, to the best of my abilities which have been honed through blood, sweat and tears to lead town to the path of victory.

They called me a heretic.

They thought my words were pure blasphemy.

Amidst the darkness, a small, glimmering light of hope appeared in front of me. As I was contemplating just putting an end to it all, someone reached out to me.

That person was Arete. They not only gave me attention, they even acknowledged me. They believed in the me/me. They said it was a “bad” joke. To anyone else this might seem like dismissal, but not to me. To me it was the first time someone bothered to figure out what I was trying to say, it was the first time anyone looked in my general direction for more than .0368 seconds.

At that moment I cried and I cried and I kept crying. The tears wouldn’t stop. They couldn’t stop.

They were tears of pure happiness, all of the pain and suffering which I’ve endured for what felt like centuries upon centuries, millennia.

That was it. That was the turning point, everything was going to be okay. I was going to lim a wolf and charge ahead confidently with my newfound hope.

But what I did not know was that this, just like every other time I decided that I would open my eyes for yet another day, was a mistake.

Blizer had died, he was town. I was wrong. I felt the world shaking below my feet, the sky was turning red, the toilet paper was running out. “Oh no, this can’t be!!!” - I said desperately to myself. With my jaw on the floor, tears of pure despair running down my cheeks… I shut down. My final thought, in my final moment of consciousness went to Arete, the one which had given me something to yearn for, something to look forward to…

“Are you going to save me again?..” - Vulgard wondered as his mind went blank and his consciousness faded.

But, just like everything else had been thus far… Arete was taken away from me. Brutally snatched from my hands, mauled ruthlessly…Eaten in front of my very eyes…

In that moment I knew.

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i hope this is a copypasta

Host feels like going back to sleep lol
See ya nerds

Ah, yes, refuge in audacity.

i assume it’s inevitable that you and i crossvote

Not thinking it could be Marshal bussing?

oh this began


i’m never voting marshal

if you guys do crossvote i’m not really going to talk in thread much after it
I might ask 1-2 questions (have a few things I want to ask vul) but I don’t really feel like writing my thoughts down here


I read over vul’s posts but there are still some things I don’t really get

if I need to towncase myself I can but it doesn’t really look like eli has any intention of voting me which makes it look like all the pressure will be on me

fun :slight_smile:


I don’t get half of my thought processes in this game.

I’m not gonna find the “eli/arete not w/w” stuff, but you seemed pretty adamant about that as well.

And if me and hippo were a villager, and eli and arete were not w/w, atlas was the likeliest wolf, yeah? That’s what i’ve gathered of your reads at the time you posted this

You voted eli, and your reasoning makes sense considering your v read on me was less pronounced. Which is fine

but if you decided on eli yesterday i’m struggling to understand why you went them over atlas considering your reads

I think Marshal’s just town here, and if she’s mafia then she’s played an incredible wolfgame, even for her. I thought about it for a bit and I don’t really see her playing f8->f5->f3 the way she did as mafia. Between bussing, then immediately undermining her position to convince a villager to selfhammer, then bussing… again?? For some reason?? When she could’ve… not bussed? I don’t see any wolf ever doing that.

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let’s speed the process up, shall we?

Thats about all the questions i have, i don’t really think i’m going to get a ton more out of this phase (espec. if a crossvote happens) because you guys both seem pretty set on the other and at that point it’ll only be convincing yourselves to live.

I might have a few more after reading but i’m gonna be mostly silent. I’ll let you guyss know when i’m ready to vote, i’m not gonna make some kind of show out of it

I’ve now townread every single wolf this game had.

while we wait