Rwby fm - wolves win! at least it wasnt a ******* scumstomp

It’s not like it’s your fault, my intentions weren’t super clear, but I do wonder.

Whether this is sarcastic or not it was fun having you around.

we had arctic neapolitan checked so

probably not much llol

No I legit had a lot of fun I haven’t played fm in a while and was unsure if I’d like it still


Yeah, sad.

I honestly forgot you guys had ways of checking if I was actually PR or not.

You might’ve lost but Wales won today!


I watched the game while I was at work lol

Oh, and @Marluxion

Would it be a good idea to maybe talk about this meta thing

I’m not sure if what you pulled back there was purely AtE or not but I don’t want to make anyone uncomfortable, especially to the point where they feel like they want to take a break from FM altogether

This has been an interesting tournament for soccer honestly

We had that scary ass situation with Christian Eriksen

and that goal Haiti let in by Canada





I don’t want to be annoying

if you want feedback from me on your play let me know, if you want feedback on specific aspects of your play you can specify which aspects those are, if you don’t request feedback I will do my best to avoid giving it to you

I am Generically Open To Feedback

Only Arete would ever write such a thing

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You died
dying is anti-wincon
Arete throwing???


marshal cracked at mafia

@Marshal you played a great game, not trying to dispute that in the slightest

but how the everliving FUCK do you post this and not immediately die for it


I wolfread Marshal for that but then dropped it.

i got warned for gamethrowing because of that post


I warned her for gamethrowing for it
is that good enough?

i’ve made posts like that as v before, i thought it was so out there that it’d loop back around to villagery

eh I know you openwolf as v

but that is a post you literally wouldn’t be able to make as a villager I’m confident

like you would never have that mindset