Rwby fm - wolves win! at least it wasnt a ******* scumstomp

not saying it’s wolfy but that does not convince me

I’m unironically pretty happy voting in the dumb thunderdome marl wanted because I didn’t like his vote on Wazza and I already had sus on Chloe so either way I don’t think it’s a bad hang.

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i doubt it’s really agenda when most of her reads (coincidentally?) are aligning with our poe

haven’t payed a ton of attention tothe specific direction of the content, give me a few minutes to really grind her iso

Appel’s push towards Marl looked pretty weak to me. But then again half of it was talking about random meta stuff I can’t comment on.

Also for Marshal I really like 491

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yeah but i feel like most of the time people start talking about meta from a random game and having a massive argument it usually ends up being a villager

its a big post, ur gonna need to be more specific

what about it did you like

it also doesn’t feel like agenda
appel genuinely believes marl obvtowns himself early in the game (she’s said this in other games)
why would she encourage him to do this as a wolf

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Eh maybe. Personally when I’m bad I like pushing someone I have history with on purpose (PKR best for this lol) because no one can ever read the interactions and it quickly gets off topic from reads. Is that something Appelsini might do?

Well about the post as a whole you seem to be reading everything everyone has to say

For specific posts I like the ones about eli and arctic

what do you like about the ones on eli and arctic

i’ve only been with her in a wolfgame once and i don’t recall it really happening but idk for sure

The fact that you don’t immediately jump to conclusions even though your pretty sure they are good

At least that’s what I got from it

Your three profile images are all so similair colour-scheme wise I keep getting confused.

I think Appel is likely town as well ftr.

fair enough

ftr atlas when you are explaining reads
every time you make a statement
ask yourself how you would respond to it if someone said “why”. And keep doing that for each statement until you think it gets into the realm of ‘common sense’ (however you’d define that)

otherwise I will personally ask you why each time


You are now my worst enemy