because it makes things easier to read
im surprised u didn’t realize i was joking
i knew you were joking
i felt like answering anyways
you were meant to say “why”
see he gets it
cuz i wanted to let atlas know the reason for my demand
to help him understand why he’s doing the things i’m asking him to to better understand the intricacies of reading
fuck you
either way i forgot to actually look at appelsiinis posts, gimme a bit
I probably won’t be available at the end of the day cause I’ll be asleep so keep that in mind (ingame)
this post is vaguely wolfy
the weird thing for me about marl and chloe is these are normally the 2 players that after around this amount of time i’d be able to say they are obvious villagers
but that hasn’t happened
@Marshal when ur done who is more likely to flip red out of marl and chloe
I’m trying to sleep but I just got hit with a sudden wave of guilt
I really don’t want to annoy Chloe and ruin the game with a bad thunderdome if she’s v but like
I just can’t see any other explanation besides agenda
Like if anyone could see I’m being genuine I’d figure she could
is it wolfy enough that you’ll consider shooting me n1
ive already locked that
sorry are you the one with the gun
I think chloe is a lot more likely to but can very easily see Marl mafia too.