Rwby fm - wolves win! at least it wasnt a ******* scumstomp

enlighten me

you have to be mentally 13 or intoxicated to trully understand what makes that laughing cat so damn silly
you’ll find the truth in due time


Don’t reply to this post. Read it and move on.

How to Play This Setup
Opinions from your favorite spewed VT

  1. For those of you who are VT: PR Cover

    This game has 4 town Power Roles. One is claimed by Mist (and I believe that claim to be true). This leaves us with 3 Power Roles, all of which can be very strong, and are also basically-confirmed town if they are to claim and not be counterclaimed. We want these people to stay alive as long as humanly possible. Not only can they help us find the mafia at night, but they are also people who can’t be easily executed, and wolves need them to die.

    In order to prevent the mafia from finding and killing the PRs, townies should do their absolute best to remain in the PR pool. You dying is optimal.

    ‘But Chloe how do I do that?’
    Don’t do what I did.

    It’s very easy to spew yourself as a VT simply based on what you say and how you act:

    • If you willingly accept death, it’s clear that you’re mechanically unimportant. Don’t do that. Keep on truckin’.
    • If you ask questions about mechanics, make sure your answer isn’t already apparent (Either in the OP, with common sense, or answerable by the host)
    • Think about what you’re saying. If it includes mechanics, make sure your perspective isn’t blatantly obvious.
    • If you’re going to fakeclaim, don’t be an idiot. You could very well out the true PR if they decide you’re wolfy and want to counterclaim you. Be smart, thanks.
  2. For all PRs: Don’t needlessly spew yourself

    Congrats, you’re one of 4 people who can do something cool at night, and you likely won’t be eliminated! This can be a burden or exciting depending on who you are. The key is to be aware of how you’re coming across, and to not rely on your claim as a shield too heavily. You should be able to defend yourself without saying ‘I’m the [role]’ and should not be claiming unless its absolutely necessary.

    • If a wolf claims your role, you don’t have to immediately counterclaim. There’s a chance the person claiming is already heavily heavily scumread and will die regardless. Claiming here is suboptimal and will just lead to your death. Take in the situation and determine if its best for you to claim. If you do claim, you should probably claim your actions*, as theres a possibility you die overnight and don’t get to share them. (*this is situational, depending on your role)
    • If another villager claims your role, I usually find it best to let them do so and not counterclaim. This scenario can be tricky to figure out, but you should try and think about if the person claiming is doing so with agenda in mind (whether that be to bait out your claim, or to get off the chopping block, etc), or if they are trying to cover for you and eat a nightkill.
  3. For the Tracker

    Yoooo, you’re like a budget cop. This is probably the most exciting PR to rand for most people, and rightly so; you can find baddies! Fuck yeah! But even though it might be fun, you happen to be one of the most important roles in the game, and should aim to use your ability optimally.

    • If you get a decent check. DO NOT OUT IT IMMEDIATELY.
      The thing about the tracker in this setup is that there are multiple other PRs you could potentially have tracked. You need to be aware of this and figure out what perspective your track makes the most sense from. Did the person visit someone who died? Well they might just be a wolf, or they could be the neighborizer (though its unlikely). Did they visit someone that makes no sense from any of the other town PRs? They might be a wolf PR. Wait it out. Even if they are a wolf, you want to allow them to talk for as long as possible so you can find their partners. If you’re SURE you found a member of the scumteam, you can go a few routes:

      1. Out the check. Claim it straight up. Say ‘I am the tracker and I saw [x] visit [y].’ (Only do this if you are CONFIDENT, and only do it after 24h has passed in the day)
      2. Soft the check. This one takes a bit of creativity (and is not my specialty). To use an example of a role not in this setup, if I were softing a ‘no motion’ result as a motion detector i could say something like “i took another look at Marshal last night but came up with nothing” (see this is why i suck at this lol)
      3. Don’t claim the check. Case the person behaviorally/socially. Find all the wolfy shit they have done and absolutely dunk on them.
    • Target selection is up to you. I won’t tell you who to pick because I don’t want wolves to know what to expect. You’ve got this

  4. If you are the Doctor

    Hell yeah you can save people that’s pretty great. What isn’t great is that you are top priority for wolves to find and kill. You need to be careful about outting your role, and should keep it a secret for as long as possible. Wolves will very likely claim your role, so I suggest reading through the entirety of part 2, that I posted above.

    • Did you get a save? Fuck yeah dude, congrats. That’s gotta be exhilarating. It’s also fantastic, because it means the person you saved is a villager! (The nightkill is mandatory, which means the mafia are forced to attack). It’s rather important that people know this information, but it can be hard to share it without fear of being too obvious. You have some options:
      1. Out the save. Claim it straight up. Say ‘I am the doctor and I saved [x]’ (I don’t suggest this, but it can sometimes be optimal - listen to what your fellow villagers are saying).
      2. Soft the save. This one takes a bit of creativity (and is not my specialty). You can come up with some subtle way to imply you protected someone, but this can be pretty risky.
      3. Don’t claim the check. Most of the time, the person you save is an obvious villager regardless and doesn’t necessarily the clear.
  5. If you are the Neighborizer

    You’re my favorite role in the game. Incredibly pogchamp. Neighborhoods can be amazing if utilized correctly. I won’t tell you exactly what to do regarding your claim and when its optimal to state you’re the neighborizer, since I don’t have a lot of experience with the role. In my opinion, you can play neighborizer in two ways:

    • Neighborize the people you are very confident in being town. You now have a nightchat with someone(s) you trust, and you can bounce ideas off of eachother without having to deal with an entire thread of people. (This is my faaavorite)
    • Neighborize people who you want to know the alignment of, but who you don’t scumread. You can select people who might be easier to read if you have a 1-on-1 chat with them and get to learn their thought process better. Be wary of this, as, if you neighborize a wolf, they know you’re a PR and will very likely kill you. (I don’t really suggest this approach unless you already have a heavily townread person in your chat)

TLDR: Don’t be dumb.

Don’t reply to this post. Read it and move on.

(If you vehemently disagree with something, or have something to add, sure, you can do that I suppose, but be cautious with how you do so.)

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im tired asf cuz the nightime sinus medication i took makes me sleepy but i must see chloe’s wolf

that’s not as long as i expected it to be
it says “do not reply and move on” so ima just not read it :^)

good one


why did i change the wording of the titles after number 3

thats annoying

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what do I do if im neapolitan

who shoild i target chloe

oh i forgot to say ‘need’

target me


ok well im going to sleep

chloe plz bury a wolf
mechanics is fun but that post is a lot of words that say nada about ur alignment

how dare you reply to the post marked “Do not reply”

wow this sounds dumb

i was planning on writing that for like 24h and never got around to it so i sucked it up and stopped procrastinating

i’ll do some more shit l8r

failed step 1


sorry cant post both my hands are broken

You still got Elbows, you can use those

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Tomorrow I’m gonna plan on doing based things >:) that’ll help me out alot I think

If anyone knows how to help I’d appreciate it I’m sorry for being so blank this game I’ve got a bit going on in my head but I wont use that as an excuse.

I want to hear peoples opinions on chloe and I want people to give an opinion on her wagon

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This Includes u urself coey

my first reaction is surprise that chloe even has a wagon. what things could she have done to make that happen