Rwby fm - wolves win! at least it wasnt a ******* scumstomp

If I’m not realising I’m AtE’ing.
Then maybe it’s not quite as “blatant” of an AtE as you think.
Or maybe I’m just jaded at this point and just don’t realise it because it comes naturally.


i think you just have a different definition of AtE

this is ate



Ok then, sure, I’m AtE’ing I guess.
Knock yourselves out with where you go from there.

i’m not going anywhere further with it tbh
i was wondering what other people were doing

so do you think all of the people voting you are town
or do you think any of this is in bad faith

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specifically towards me

eli feels kinda opportunistic ngl

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Is PKR not immediately talking mech AI in either direction

asking for a friend

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Hippo shouldn’t be considered either way because their vote was during RVS.
Chloe’s hit or miss. I don’t exactly think she’s doing this in bad faith and she’s probably just town.
Eli’s the one who’s most questionable out of the 3 but I don’t exactly think he’s just scum.

Just keep an eye on Eli more than Hippo and Hip more than Chloe.
Chloe gets going after a while more.

What mech can I even talk about? :stuck_out_tongue:

All 17 town flavours are used but only 13 of them actually assigned to town and 4 of them are fakeclaims therefore flavour claiming does nothing?

That’s like the only noteworthy thing.

And the fact that some VTs need to be willing to claim PR to give PRs space to claim VT for a while to survive. Or that mafia’s more likely than not all going to claim VT?

sorry what does this mean

Give her until like day 2, day 3 and she’s better.
D1 she’s more hit or miss.

Though this could basically be said about most people.
I just think it applies to her most?

idk! usually you have some strong opinion of how PRs should be using their actions or how mafia PRs will be using their actions or whatnot

its just offputting
though im sorta glad you didn’t come in with mech talk right off the bat - considering how our site tends to do with pr cover

i dont really think its AI but its different from what im used to lmfao

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What did Poke even do?

I just reread it and it the lad did nothing


EliThePsycho is 95% a villager

call me for another one of these at 300 posts

are you new to mafia