Rwby fm - wolves win! at least it wasnt a ******* scumstomp

hit me

why is a level 10 rattata doing half of the health bar of my pokemon that is 7 levels higher


it’s the hidden plague damage feature

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its to a poison type though


My sister is watching this jail show (not orange is th new black) nd it’s really sad actyally

if you take a stronger poison all of the other poisons cancel out, it’s how medicine works

i see

okay second question

what are my three least favorite songs on spirit phone

sweet bod, because despite it’s insistence that it isn’t sexual you can’t shake the feeling that it is

as your father i expressly forbid it cuz maybe ur dad is mean or something

and uh reaagonomics cuz ronald reagan sux

1/3 and all your reasons are right at least

sweet bod when he died and man made object

when he died is my fav :frowning:

I can understand the other 2 I guess

(actually i earned my life is my fav but that ones a close second)


ah fair


do you wanna keep talking about lemon demon or should we pretend to play mafia

Other people being here would help

I’m here!


im waiting to play mafia, i’ve read about 30 posts in total but am not feeling the game yet

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fair enough

i skimmed most of it but dont have much to say tbh

i forgot what i was gonna do w/ my question to yellow lol

if you could detonate one person right now who would it be and why

PKR because ate is annoying
literally my entire reason