Rwby fm - wolves win! at least it wasnt a ******* scumstomp

send it to me in wolfchat

you will have to wait after game i didnt read the rules

im hardcore procrastinating

imma just grind this

its not porn but kids will hate it

yeah ā€˜itā€™s not pornā€™ is a pretty low bar

im a dumbass i had like 1/3 of my lol wall copypasted but i lost the copypaste because i was making a stupid edit of a cat picture


thats my punishment i guess

im distracted by talking with nerds on tolcord about tol dying
somebody pull me out of this

nah im hardcore distracted as well

whoever finishes their lol wall first is cooler and cuter

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fine then
i will channel my hyperfocus

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i will do nothing

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shut up loser i have the most posts and iā€™m the towniest player in the game

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loltownā€¦ or is it? (lol wall)

Most of the earlygame is p unnoteworthy imo, this is the first thing i thought iā€™d touch on

I didnā€™t really like this at the time and still donā€™t atm tho for different reasons

I misread atlasā€™s post as him saying heā€™d played on a lot of mafia sites and was still generally new, but he pushes the argument from two different angles, he says that my defense of atlas is bad because night talk isnā€™t the norm and therefore I shouldnā€™t defend atlas on that basis, but also says that he didnā€™t even say he played other FM sites and instead mentioned social deduction games in general. I misread the post yeah, itā€™s realistically fine to wolfread that if it floats your boat but he still tries to push my statement itself as false even though he apparently knew it was predicated on false circumstances which feels cringe.

The circumstance feels more like heā€™s trying to push me to make me look bad and not because he had a genuine concern, he also acts like I just dipped when I said itt that I was going to be doing reads and was typing them out.

Iā€™ll be real not a ton stands out to me

I want to say that heā€™s TMIing crichard town because he never really provides tangible reasons for crich v as far as I can tell but still goes ā€œoh crich is v if itā€™s wrong you can kill meā€ but also does nothing to save crich

itā€™s like he just wants the cred and knows heā€™s in no danger

I do like his handling of the eli read at the very least, the way he handles it in relation to my own read doesnā€™t really feel crafted for agenda (especially because eli is probably just a villager), I donā€™t realllllllly think he takes that eli read and pins it on me if heā€™s a wolf.

still think heā€™s overall kinda wolfy
nothing jumps out to me a huge amount


itā€™s PoE
I wouldnā€™t go for this before PKR, I prob would go for this before hippo. Thereā€™s really just not a ton going for him and a few things i dislike

im cuter and cooler eli


that was a tiny wall

eli will do better


crich was v because appel is w i said it d1

im literally only on post 30