Rwby fm - wolves win! at least it wasnt a ******* scumstomp

Mistyx who did you shoot last night :smirk:

That dosent stop it from upsetting me

Never has never will


Werenā€™t you literally asking for Appel to get shot n1

Where did this come from

If you are bad at reads, even if its right or wrong it could be a problem if we kill everyone in the POE and get only one wolf

the host

Me changing my mind.

i just copypasted that post from day 1

The read flip there is part of my overnight change of approach to this game.

Yeaaaah, I read it and I was like ā€œwait, havenā€™t I seen this before?ā€

I have played with derps more than vulgard has

I still think derps is capable of everything heā€™s posted here as wolf
he could just not care
he said himself that he planned to not care

Marl spew is another thing but heā€™s nowhere near out of his wolfrange and without the neighborizer claim i donā€™t think he should be outside of PoE

I kinda see the argument but also vibez.

He is one of the first people I would look at if the PoE is bad.

i dont think derps is outright spewed by marl

i also think it highly likely marl pushed at least one of his partners so i think derps/vul has at least one

more likely exactly one?

im fine with just compromising on pkr or lol if they dont start playing the game seriously

but i dont think vulgard is villagery and i dont love his wallpost

Iā€™ll come back after my appointment

im at something like


actually think itā€™s not pkr or lol in this world because then wolfteam is juts imploding

maybe hippo

thinking its derps for that kill

hello good evening

i have been, if you really want to i can just tone down on the volume but thats it

im not making walls

This is by far the towniest thing for derps
I think marl knows heā€™s not truly staking his life for a derps read but it does actively signal boost a derps wagon

ā€˜wolf or PRā€™ is p rolefishy as hippo said earlier, itā€™s prompting a claim from derps in a way that isnā€™t immediately obvious which is unlikely to be w/w

the only way this is w/w in my eyes is if marl is trying to genuinely hardbus derps which feels unlikely because he didnā€™t really end up continuing the push. Not completely out of the question and not enough to remove from PoE tho.

more likely a half-baked attempt to draw out a PR claim and/or get a wagon on derps to push him into PoE.

I canā€™t truly say heā€™s outside of the PoE

probably a bit villagerier than atlas

/vote ami @Aelin

actually why has there not been a sub for this slot

Great question
I need a sub
