Rwby fm - wolves win! at least it wasnt a ******* scumstomp

iirc it’s mafia

No, i think his wolfmates would hardbuss him

The PKR Bus chart is a meme my guy, and one that still can be used

im unaware of wim differences between alignments but from what i’m gathered pkr generally enjoys mafiaing

Because he would have enough self awareness to know hes gonna get yeeted if he keeps up his behaviour and approach to the game, which i doubt W!PKR would do

but he’s fine with dying like this as a villager?

This point is true, it is without a doubt a fallacy and is a good argument against PKR being TWTBAW.

Before we continue this discussion of PKR either being a wolf or misyeet bait for the 30th time, lets discuss this:

IF PKR is a wolf, who would benefit the most from this bus based on current thread state.

If its to prove a point, yes.

PKR is really stubborn with his behaviour and views

again, its why the Flow Chart exists for a reason for wolfs, and why hes also misyeet bait, cause of this behaviour and perspective.


what exactly is he trying to prove
that he’s town?
he doesn’t need to die to do that

that’s literally the point of the game

PKR is very good at WiFoM as wolf and I think it’s very possible he takes this exact angle as mafia

iirc in upick he outright asked to be voted off when he was in a thunderdome with a villager

Hes trying to prove that no one can actually read him right basically, so he doenst care if hes misyeeted as long as it proves he gets his point across.

PKR does like his WiFoM shit, but if hes doing this with Wolf Agenda at mind, his partners are bussing him, and if thats the case we need to look at who was pushing him, and how that push looks in the context of either W!PKR or T!PKR (Arctics push is pure af though so im not going to look at it as much)

@Marshal are you willing to re-eval Eli btw today

slot is just floating within threadstate and has offered very little to contribute

he’s the top wagon and basically every one has agreed is mafia
he’s obv being bussed to some degree if mafia

not until PKR flip

if PKR is mafia, which I am pretty sure of, eli is fully spewed as villager and I will defend him to no end

i mean, what does this actually accomplish?
people aren’t just going to “ok well we read pkr wrong this game, so we’ll just completely not try to read him next game”
this isn’t a solution to the problem he’s having

if PKR is actually a villager and he prefers playing mafia, he’s probably just leveling his town play to absolute dogshit so he doesn’t have to worry about faking good reads as a wolf

i don’t really want to believe this, which is why i don’t believe he is a villager

he isn’t really? no one has actually been pushing him as hard as i have so no one is really trying to get towncred from the flip

Hippo could be bussing the slot, though i do think the slot is towny as i have stated earlier imo.

Slot is one that needs re-eval depending on gamestate if hes alive the next couple days

I don’t think a single person besides blizer hasn’t said ‘yah im fine with pkr dying’

some ppl aren’t pushing it hard but if he is mafia I don’t think he’s getting much help from his wolfteam