Rwby fm - wolves win! at least it wasnt a ******* scumstomp

that doesn’t mean he’s being bussed
no one is trying to gain towncred from the flip

I think Vul tried to defend PKR yesterday aswell, but went back on that read

it’s still throwing him under the bus even if they aren’t hardpushing him

it’d be p obvious if someone was like “YEP PKR IS LOCK MAFIA IM SO BOLD HERE’S MY READ”. if he’s mafia his team has thrown him to the wolves are are obv planning to go from there after his elim

yeah but no one is even pushing him, like at all
no one has done anything other than say “yeah kill it” and so they have no way of gaining any cred from it so it’s a pointless bus

what exactly are they going to do from his elim
push me?

Gain cred or Push a narrative

thats what i would do if i was Wolf

play the game?
Im not talking about them using pkrs flip in any way
im just saying that if he’s wolf wolves (unless it’s blizer) are all more or less just letting it happen. Bussing was prob not the right word but most ppl obv have no intention of defending the guy

yeah, that’s what they would do
but they aren’t

If i was a Wolf and PKR is my wolfbuddy
i would barley acknowledge the slot, kill it and try to push a narrative/self-pres cause my slot is in the PoE

Yes, you can argue thats an argument of WiFoM in regards to that, but honestly everything is WiFoM, its just trying to find the lines that connect the dots in the right pattern, AKA, find the wolves and what narrative they are pushing

They may not gain cred

but they can still push a narrative to their advantage with his death

question is what type of narrative and on who will they push it on.

Bzzzzt, wrong.
PKR preference chart: Neutral Non-Killer > Town > Neutral Killer > Mafia

I hate playing as mafia.
It’s more stressful.
And I know who I’m letting down when I fuck up.
At least this game I don’t actually know and at the same time, not only am I fucking up, but so are others :slight_smile:

The flow chart is also outright bullying.
So, no.
Don’t mention it, ever.
I legit stop caring for games after anyone mentions it.
So I guess, just, kill me. Town’s going to anyway and I’ve tried to combat it.

Thats fair, sorry for bringing it up.

I forgive you, but yeah.
I only liked your post because I am absolutely one of the most stubborn people I know.
I try and keep trying, I persist for as long as I can and often it doesn’t work out.
I’ve tried this game to the point it feels like I should just give up and go quietly into that night…
Yet I know that me being MLd here means we’re at a 3v7 situation tomorrow and I can’t help anymore.

I really dont know if i cant stop you from being yeeted here tbh

people are just complacent with threadstate and there is not much i can do about it.

I appreciate the sentiment of trying to stop it.
But the only way sometimes, to learn from mistakes, is to make them.
And if I can assist in people learning then heh, at least I did something good.
I also still have my reads to be looked over when I inevitably flip today ^^

i mean, you know a lot of who you’re letting down as a villager too
like y know
all the dead townies?

yeah if you are town here, which i do think you are, gonna look at those during the night and im gonna ask everyone to re-eval townlean/core slots outside of a couple (Again, Arctic is just pure here imo, if this slot is wolf, im geniuenly impressed with how hes playing rn)

Like the one Mist shot…
Or the one who yall executed…
Oh… all of the ones who I fucking said were town before their flips.


i think vul/pkr/ami/lol has no more than 2 wolves in it