Rwby fm - wolves win! at least it wasnt a ******* scumstomp

what exactly are we learning here
that we can’t read you?
how does this help us read you in the future

at least cloned was putting making content before complaining about his position in threadstate

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It helps you learn not just to jump on my ass in the future because clearly MLing here is detrimental and future things will be too. It’ll cause people to learn to think instead of rushing.

if you don’t change the way you play, i promise you i will mislynch you again and again every game until you do

Already tried making some content, got me nowhere.
I also know that you weren’t exactly shocked when Cloned flipped so I can’t even fully hold that on you.
But there were plenty of others it can be held on :slight_smile:

its me now damnit lol

K then, good luck with that.
I hope that the other townies will have a few more IQ.

Honestly ngl, while i do think PKR needs to change how he acts in game, this is kinda toxic


you are playing to the detriment of your own team if you are town
and probably if you’re a wolf too, unless you’re trying to WIFOM your not caring town playstyle

yeah it was my bad
the point was i’ll misread him every gameb ecause of the way he plays

If you want to try and sass me.
Come at me queen, I can take it and give it back wholly.
I’m not afraid, bud.

i’m not trying to sass u
i’m trying to win and you aren’t


dont think thats the correct way of going this, but you do you ya know.


ill go get the popcorn

I have been fucking trying to win.

Which is why whenever I’ve been asked to give reads, I have.
They might not be amazing, they might not be what yall want. But I’ve tried.

When you’ve asked me to try expanding on stuff, have I? Yes, yes I fucking have.

What can you seriously expect from me?

More reads? Basically the same. Except I’ll move you to 10 because you are beyond lock VI at this point and your entire ISO says it for me.

More explanations? Which ones? Ask me and I’ll do them.

Not to brag about my reads this game thus far being perfect? Find a fucking wolf that I don’t have and I’ll be delighted to admit I’ve been wrong.

Do fucking something here.

can you give reads which are more than level 1 and aren’t easily fakeable
from what i’ve heard you are more than capable of this so why aren’t you

who would u kill today

Hippo because it would the biggest fuck you to a person who’s been pushing a ML on me in what I consider to be bad faith and agenda pushing.

you know i brought this up earlier about wolves pushing narratives surronding PKR

Tinfoil Theory, W!Marshal has been, and has kinda succeded in pushing W!Eli into towncore as a narrative, and uses Eli’s meta as the main reason to push this.

This also is something i can see in either a T!PKR or W!PKR world imo.

I dont think i worded that properly so, just for clarification if people are confused by what im saying:

by using a metaread, current threadstate, and PKR’s positioning in thread, W!Marshal is trying to get W!Eli into towncore as a deepwolf