Rwby fm - wolves win! at least it wasnt a ******* scumstomp

This entire post looks very…idk It really just seems awkward to me

and yes i’m aware that its only been 1 day

most notable thing about PKR was that he didn’t like being voted which is sure but when you’re voted by 3 players at the start of the game, it’s not gonna mean much.

I should probably read their ISOs to actually grab something though

Thats not actually defending yourself though you’re just calling it dumb ! That’s not an argument explain why its dumb

theres an average of 30 posts/player and my top 4 is very likely just pure

damn sort of like I said it in thread immediately after

I feel like you forced this readslist out

Alot of it is “I dont know” which does nothing

I dont understand why you didnt just make a post with things you could talk about and then label everyone else as null instead of making a big post where a good handful of your reads are “idk”

> Your tone is forced

> you didn’t force a ton of reads


u good

Why did u just blatantly strawman my post …

It’s not ‘blatant strawman’

ur acting like i forced my reads (cringe argument) bu then get mad that i say idk on a lot of my posts

thats literally how i’ve always done it

I’m saying not to include it not to force reads out ?@&÷*= I dont even know where u got that

you’ve played with me more than enough times to know that’s just how i do readlslists

No it isnt


Why did you say my best post is the one in which i basically say ‘eli is v or w/w with marshal’ but you dont like appel saying you teo are t/t or w/w? Because like
I found myself in agreement with her lmao

Wassup girl

I see alright

because yours doesn’t rule me w eli v worlds out

it’s “either marshal is right and eli is unfrozen or they are w/w and marshal is coaching eli”

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Thumbs upze

that’s the reason i didnt like appel’s post