Rwby fm - wolves win! at least it wasnt a ******* scumstomp


I was hoping you would say you were better at faking reads because my general impression so far has been that your point of view is villagery but your reads are kind of lackluster

I cant tell if this is a post thats like

"Ah, i think your more wolf from this answerā€™ or ā€œAh, i think your more town for this answerrā€

just your tone from that lol


I think youā€™re more wolf from that answer which makes me sad because I want my pet townreads to be correct (and also because if youā€™re villager and I can confidently find you as villager then Iā€™m pretty sure that breaks the game open)

Vote Count

Accused Voters Number
SirDerpsAlot Marshal, Vulgard, Mistyx 3/6
Blizer Atlas, EliThePsycho 2/6
Marshal SirDerpsAlot, Hippoyeetus 2/6
Vulgard Arete 1/6
Arete ArcticXI 1/6
Not voting Blizer 1

Uh this looks correct
Ping me for new votes and incorrect votes

itā€™s always good to have an idea of that

it was less me specifically PR hunting (altho I did do that full-scale at some point), and more me kind of just subconsciously thinking it and then checking out to see if itā€™s right

if you know someone is PR you can defend them from criticism and/or try to spew them as not pr. Itā€™s helpful

as for why I outted him, arctic was being pretentious and I thought I was dying so i decided i didnt rlly give a fuck and that if I could tell wolves prob could too

Okay just making sure lol

also, thoughts on Derps being the yeet

Im not against it, cause it solidifies Marshals slot as town or wolf imo depending on flip

and yeah, i know that whatever he flips, I do not look good from either tbh.

Iā€™m not against it but not because I think itā€™s particularly informative about Marshal

I just think he has a decent amount of wolf equity + fits with a lot of teams such that I have no reason to want him to not die

So what your saying is if Iā€™m gonna die Iā€™m taking the most important pr with me?

no because if that was her plan sheā€™d just say it in scumchat and not in the thread

well when you put it that way it sounds a bit worse

You just exposed a potential doc for no reason


whenever Atlas isnā€™t posting Iā€™m like ā€˜why was he a villager againā€™ and then whenever he is Iā€™m like ā€˜oh right. thatā€™s why.ā€™

Oh btw votes lock in mylo and lylo

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which probably means heā€™s just town

well no there wasnā€™t ā€œno reasonā€

the risk was realistically very low. Wolves have had 3 nights of neapolitan checks and arctic was very obv PR.

And town has the same amount of clears regardless because itā€™s 7v3 and 2 of the town members are PRs, so no matter what before lylo 2 PRs are taken out unless they stab wrong

the reward was also low but I was a bit tilty and there were some people tinfoiling arctic and not buying my ā€˜dude trust meā€™ read



Thats good to know

@Atlas @Blizer

not sure if either of you have ever played a locked-votes MyLo/LyLo but this means that you should absolutely not ā€œsnap voteā€ if we misexecute today (i.e. donā€™t vote early in the day before people have time to discuss)

thereā€™s some more complicated theoretical stuff but thatā€™s the Most Important since everything else can, in theory, be explained tomorrow, Mistā€™s almost certainly going to be alive

I think everyone else should know the drill

Ive played in it before and fucked up before

we wont vote until we certain slot is wolf

im voting whichever pr is left alive