Rwby fm - wolves win! at least it wasnt a ******* scumstomp


I slept for 12 hours and now I feel better


I hope Marshalā€™s suggested crossvote actually happens. In my mafia career, every time Iā€™ve tried to suggest a crossvote, it fell flat on its face.


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Well, im up now

Anything happen?

marshal wants us to crossvote

That would literally do nothing though

what do you mean

Cause then itā€™ll be a tie

the other players will vote later

Which means no kill

it doesnā€™t say anywhere the result of the tie reeee
but usually itā€™s just randed, so

Vul I have a question

also to be absolutely clear, since last time I asked you a question about your thought process you were like ā€˜arete is an evil wolf trying to push agenda on me,ā€™ this is an ā€˜understanding your thought processā€™ question

all of this logic, about Derps probably having deeper partners, was equally valid yesterday

what prompted you to think of it specifically today?

hippo iso time or something idk

okay Vul has mentioned twice that he thinks Iā€™m townreading him which Iā€™m confused about because it mostly wasnā€™t true when he said it

(his posts today have actually been a lot better than his posts every other day, his solving is a lot more waterfally and he isnā€™t pushing the narrative I expected him to push as scum, although the second part is partially negated by the fact that I had specifically already talked about that narrative in the thread)

maybe more than twice but Iā€™m only at 6451

ok Iā€™m caught up now

I personally think we should wait for sure to decide the crossvote until weā€™ve seen the nightkill but I donā€™t really object to ā€˜if I die then x and y should crossvoteā€™ type suggestions


you have a lot of posts, can you quote specifically the post at the start of the you/Vul interaction that you specifically thought was not W/W?

Iā€™m also hanging out with marshals granny sorry if not posting a lot

Uh I donā€™t think it was specifically any 1 post? Just a series of arguments that I had with him that I donā€™t think I could (or rather would) do as theater