Rwby fm - wolves win! at least it wasnt a ******* scumstomp

Either way I’m on mobile and it’d be harder for me to find it

I meant like

if you had an argument with him

quote the post that started the argument

and then I can go read through the whole argument

This sparked it more or less

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Also hippo my grandma would like u lol

You see, there are several things that prompted this. First of all, yesterday I was still in my Blizer tunnel, and I thought Derps flipping mafia confirmed my worldview. You can tell I’m desperate. Second, we had a quickhammer, which prevented me from even thinking about worlds where Blizer is a villager, and we have a deepwolf. I should have probably tried harder to stop it, but some part of me just wanted Blizer to flip and solve the next day. If Blizer were to flip Mafia, I would probably just tunnel Arete this entire day, but since he didn’t, well.

I’m in a weird headspace. I feel like Eli is posting like I would expect him to post as a villager. And I also think Arete is a villager. But that would mean… Atlas is one wolf… and who’s the other one?

For the record, I don’t think Eli’s posts are good. I’m just trying to determine if they’re from a villager mindset because, well, expecting nuanced reads from him is something I shouldn’t do.

Did I really do that? Damn, I’ve fallen really far.

I think Eli is the likeliest living player to be mafia at the moment

I see it, but also I feel like I’m giving him an easier pass because his towngame isn’t the strongest. Talk to me about it please.

I mean like

He’s capable of good solid reads with reasoning, see upick where I found him as villager when nobody else did

And his d1 was… exactly that. As mafia he is capable of existing and talking but his reads themselves kind of suck, his BoTF and SFoL games show that.

He went a bit above what I’d consider his wolfrange d1, his reads were solid and pretty nuanced

And then d2+ he’s done… nothing. He’s been firmly within his wolfrange for the rest of the game

And at this point I think it’s easier to explain the d1 away in a wolf!him world than explain anyone else as mafia, even atlas

Really, is he capable of formulating proper reads as town now? This sounds really insulting, but that’s genuinely not my experience with him. OK, I guess I’ve been underestimating him. He can be mafia. What do you think about his responses to my questions?

His worldview feels really strange to me. I’ve already discussed why.

Pretty firmly NAI

I said earlier that I didn’t think they were as bad as you were making them out to be, he’s capable of being that out of it as either alignment. I don’t, like, not believe he didn’t think hippo was around, that’s just how he is

I think his worldview is a bit contradictory, I don’t really like it because it feels like a sum of parts rather than a whole view of the game which I think is likelier to come from wolf!eli, but realistically if he is v I could see him playing like that

That’s really not the main issue. In my opinion, the main issue is that he has several reads which go against consensus (kinda), but he doesn’t mention any of them until specifically asked, and he doesn’t play as if he has them. It’s the same concern I have with Atlas, really.

I’ve literally said elis mafia from my 2nd post and I still think they are lol

Probably >rand to be wolf because to me it felt like you forced / collected the statements from him and then compiled them, put them together, and then left him to explain the contradictions

Which makes me feel it’s not really a kind of “villager because wolf would be more collected” situation cuz he didn’t really consider how the worldview of his individual reads factored into the rest of his reads

I think atlas is most likely to be town after marshal.

I can’t remember why vul said it wasn’t arete/Eli and I think I’ve already asked him today but still don’t remember