Rwby fm - wolves win! at least it wasnt a ******* scumstomp


/vote no-elim @Aelin

so I donā€™t forget

we need three votes locked on no-elim before EoD so that the wolves canā€™t out themselves to force through something other than noelim

I honestly think Marshal has been super villagery. The person Iā€™m questioning more is you.

I understand the mechanical reasons for putting me in the crossvote. On principle, anyway. The thing is, I would prefer Eli and Atlas to crossvote, just because it would actually force them to be towny. Then if we misyeet, we can blame one of them for not being towny enough ā€“ the one whoā€™s town cry.

Iā€™m snap voting arete tomorrow tbh

I feel it in my bones

For clarity, if Hippo does snapvote, Iā€™m voting with Hippo every time.

Unless he votes Marshal, in which case I might vote against him.

can you walk me through your progression here

you had me as pretty confidently V on day 4

I now have Vietnam flashbacks, because Iā€™ve been in these situations before, and nobody has ever crossvoted the way I wanted. Every time I asked two people to crossvote, one of them was a wolf and they didnā€™t crossvote.

who tf is dying if me and hipp and u are alive lol

Hypotheticals are hypotheticals.

w.r.t. an Eli/Atlas crossvote Iā€™m scared of the possibility of a you/Marshal wolfteam

though there are some things pointing against that and I havenā€™t actually read through the allegedly non-W/W argument you had

If this was a game with me and Marshal on the same wolfteam, I assure you we would have won by now. Although, this argument probably sucks to everyone that isnā€™t me.

also Vul ftr re: your point about not wanting to be the first to vote because youā€™ve been wrong a lot

everyone else this game has also been wrong a lot so I donā€™t particularly see that as a reason not to have you in the crossvote

I believe Marshals pr discovery on arctic and I dont see how she can be mafia.

Vulgard is spouting random shit and having a breakdown or something which is super villagery.

Atlas/Eli beating us is stupid and funny.

I havenā€™t liked any of your posts today tbh. Havenā€™t found them that genuine and cant really see any intent to solve.

Iā€™m busy asf dealing with children and stoned adults so Iā€™ve had no time to do anything today lol

I wouldnā€™t say Iā€™m having a breakdown, although I could see how it looks like this to another person. Iā€™m just trying to figure out the proper strategy for tomorrow, considering I can already feel the burden of responsibility on my shoulders. Atlas and Eli beating us is stupid and it is funny, but I would feel terrible about losing to that, so.

Arete, everyone has been wrong a lot, but I have been both loud and wrong.

I think vul is the villageriest person alive that isnā€™t hippo

Is atlas arete possible
Idk why it wouldnā€™t be

can you walk me through your progression here because you were saying literally the opposite earlier

nnnot really sure how anyone looks at my posts today and doesnā€™t see intent to solve unless literally the only ones you read were the ones where I yell at people for quickhammering