Rwby fm - wolves win! at least it wasnt a ******* scumstomp

Look, everyone being wrong a lot is why I can see an Atlas and Eli wolfteam. The reason we’ve been wrong a lot is that we’ve been assuming the wolves have been posting. Occam’s Razor. What do you think?

I think it’s possible cuz all of our mls have actually just self destructed so it’s possible wolves aren’t doing anything and we’re just loltowning

We had crich be crich, pkr be pkr, and then bliz self hammered lol

With Atlas, nobody was interested in this slot. It was put on the village shelf and nobody looked that way for at least three days. Nobody wanted to push it as a misyeet. Nobody wanted to whiteknight it, as far as I remember. Maybe Marshal, but Marshal is obviously town, so it doesn’t even matter.

I like how you’re dodging responsibility when you spent the entirety of the last day baiting him to do it.


I’ve been simping p hard for atlas, still am tbf it’s just that he hasn’t rlly played the last 2 days and everyone else is a bit villageir (besides Eli ig)

I also buried both crich and pkr lol

What I’m saying is that wolves don’t need to push agenda because I’m doing it for them

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I’m not going to pretend I didn’t contribute, because I did case Blizer, I preflipped an entire team around him, and he flipped town.

I feel like we are all going to cry together, regardless of how this game turns out.

I genuinely think what you’re saying now is a possibility.

Her self case which went into specific quotes at the start of this day convinced me, and she gave a good response to my question about why they chose to give arctic such high reads.

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Marissa, why are you still simping for Atlas? What did they do for you? I brought up the point earlier that the mechanical posts didn’t seem to lead anywhere and they looked like they were written to look helpful. I don’t think anybody engaged me on that thought. Do you think it’s possible?

They’ve had some aggressive pushes, a lot of what they called out I really liked

They have a very blunt way of posting which I find to be villagery.

I don’t think I can ever have atlas like out of a PoE cuz he’s entirely new to the site and has some SD experience so he could just be better than appears and/or this is a tonal thing that’s beyond meta.

But I still think the way he’s talked and pushed has been villagery, he’s been putting out some pushes that I like and I find him being coached very unlikely atp.

My bjggest issue is that he doesn’t give a ton of unprompted reads, there are a few shining moments but a lot of his iso is v floaty

Hey, Arete, what would you do if you told me to vote first and I voted you?

I do agree that all of his mech posts are p bad, that’s what gives me the most heeby jeebies

That one post he made where he spewed the entire wolf plan for the next 2 nights was hugely lol, he says it was obvious but I’m not rlly sure it was

I think it’s 2/3 of arete eli and atlas, atp I’ve taken the vulagerpill

You see, this is my exact POE as well, but that doesn’t help because I need to vote correctly twice.

Still need to look deeply over isos cuz I’ve had no chance to, but I gotta chat with some cousins now brb

Vote Count

Accused Voters Number
No elimination Arete 1/4
Not voting Atlas, EliThePsycho, Hippoyeetus, Marshal, Vulgard 5

Votes are locked.

In that case then FMPoV it would be mechanically confirmed that either you were Mafia or the game was lost due to how LyLo mechanics work

realistically despite that I would prroobably wait for people to check in anyway rather than playing under the first assumption? but if people checked in and were not like ‘we, the Mafia team, are going to quickhammer’ then I would focus on casing you, reiterating my existing case of you, etc. since at that point I would be able to be 100 percent confident that my original case was correct

then the other thing I would do would be to try and figure out who your partner was, both so that we could be more likely to win in 3p LyLo and so that I could force them to vote earlier in the voting order (which would require them to either out themself in worlds where you got exe’d anyway, or to bus, which would allow for 1 townie to vote wrong)

if you voted me as a villager and the wolves were like ‘haha, we’re quickhammering now! lol!’ then I would … be sad and disappointed, probably?

I’m going to sleep. We’ll see what happens, I guess.