Rwby fm - wolves win! at least it wasnt a ******* scumstomp

Im gonna go through “can these teams exist: the list: that rhymes” and try to figure things out

EliThePsycho/Vulgard - Possile
EliThePsycho/Arete - Possible ???
Vulgard/Arete - X
Arete/Atlas - Possible

I have gone through specifically looking for

EliThePsycho/Arete (This one is a bit special because I kind of believe what vulgard is saying about this not being a team but from what i’ve found I think that it can very much exist outside of his points and I think his points have holes)

and come to ~conclusions for all, basically 2 yesses 1 no and a maybe.

Eli atlas
Vulgard Atlas

time to video game and figure these out

I think Eli/Atlas as a team makes reasonable but not full sense from both ISOs

Looking through atlas iso he has originally a relatively strong village read on Eli and only later down the line does he flip it to mafia. I’m not going to call it outright TMI but I do think that if atlas is mafia that it’s likelier that he’s spewing eli villager which conversely would spew atlas v if eli was wolf.

It’s possible it’s a read made by a partner who was just defending another partner, and that they’re just ramping up the reads on each other while also leaving avenues on vulgard and arete for eli and atlas respectively. It’s hard because there’s a time gap in-between a lot of their posts so their perspectives don’t quite track in a straight line but that doesn’t make both wolves because A Lot happened inbetween the points where they both kinda just chilled in thread

The punchline is that I have no conclusion either way, slotting it under possible I guess because what i’ve seen doesn’t really rule stuff out

i’ve read the entire vul iso again just to get ‘vulgard atlas can exist i guess’

vulgard’s been pushing on atlas pretty consistently but I suppose it can be wolf/wolf in theory

My concern with ‘does this team exist’ is vul’s attempts to shut down a eli/arete w/w tinfoil
planting them as not w/w doesn’t really do much to help him, it’s not like towncred is really a factor at this stage but he has had chances to ‘be convinced otherwise’ by me if he is mafia and yet has not taken any of them
which makes me feel like this team is meh not super likely to exist but I am too tired to think beyond this and the sleep meds are kicking in goodnight

Putting this in my signature offsite.

I’m going to re-read the game while looking at the living slots. This is where multi-ISOs would help me, but alas, we don’t have that feature.

oh no are you just a villager

Do you have an off-site where you include all this stuff vul?

Eli starts with a selfvote. Holds it there for a while and then unvotes.

Chloe called Eli mafia, and Chloe is a flipped villager.
Hippo called Eli mafia, and Hippo is a flipped villager.

This is a read made after Eli votes himself, votes PKR, says he doesn’t like PKR because of AtE.

That… is a minuscule bar. I know she justifies it by saying Eli’s comments are “sharp,” but that still feels like too much too early.

Atlas has a fairly free-flowy thought progression as far as I can tell, even if their posts lack much substance.

Eli goes from saying that he would like to /detonate PKR (genuine response, not a joke - he was specifically asked who he would detonate if he could, and he said PKR) - and then says he doesn’t actually scumread PKR. This is after he votes PKR.

He makes it clear that the reason he voted PKR was because PKR was AtEing, not because he actually thought PKR was mafia. Well, if you’re basing your votes on whether you like somebody’s behavior or not… you’re not going to catch wolves.

So I can’t really award credit to him for that (as in, for having a scumread that felt real), because the reasoning was “ATE is annoying, and PKR is AtEing, so I’m voting him” from the beginning, and that’s easy to fake. Plus, it doesn’t actually require calling someone a wolf.

Sorry for the notification, Chloe, but this is a funny post and I could see that happening.

His second take is indirectly sheeping lol. I think that’s >rand not W/W between Eli/lol? Lol is the only person townreading min in the thread at the time, and Eli sheeping that read is less likely if lol is mafia, because it makes them look aligned, in a way. Wolves are more likely to sheep the early reads of villagers rather than fellow wolves unless they seek to go deep together or powerwolf together, neither of which Eli is suited to doing. This feels more like he’s trying to go under the radar. Another part that feels like “under the radar” play is him backing off the PKR vote as soon as there are signs of retaliation, and explaining that there has never been a scumread, only annoyance by AtE.

Sure, he goes into denial when people accuse him of being frozen scum, but still.

Wolfreading this for self-awareness would be pretty level 0, but still notable, because we’re in f5 now and both are still alive.

Stupid read, but I like the “ah” and not mentioning it again. Feels like they’re eyerolling internally and choose not to bother asking the question further, rather than genuinely being worried.

Potential W/W, idk.

The only living slot Marl didn’t really scumread at any point so far is Atlas. Yeah, he’s definitely distanced with at least one more wolf.

Okay? My initial gut response to this was “villagery” but then I went back here and thought “no, not really.” “Wolves wouldn’t want to annoy villagers!” is a bit low-level for reading lol, I think.

Noting that Marl does take a quick opportunity to vote Wazza when he’s stayed on the Eli wagon for some time. Also noting that lol was one of the previous voters, the first one, in fact, and Hippo was the second. Once again leaning toward “wolf sheeping villagers” here.

About Marl.

About Derps.

Wolfside-y reads.


Or it’s TMI. :> @ Atlas


Noting that Eli’s been floating in the thread after eating early townreads, I’m at post circa #560 and his last post was at least 200 posts ago. His day 1 doesn’t even look that good in hindsight.

This is a really funny read. Sorry for the notif, Mistyx.

Actually, when I read the thread in full, this looks more like Marshal implying she’s questioning the townread on min (which is quickly becoming consensus here).

And wondering whether she should accept that / lean into it or not really.

Sorry for asking the vig to shoot you, again!

Noting how only villagers took stances / engaged with BlueLance when BlueLance was actually in the thread. Well, only flipped villagers, and…

There is this.

“How do I fake read my partner” moment?

This, after asking a question about Marl? Not even personal analysis of Marl?

You’ve just asked the thread about Marl and got several responses, where did that go?

Quoting this just to point out that the Eli wagon is likely pure unless you assume Atlas is mafia.

Atlas is the first voter on the top wagon, Eli, here, and the thought of justifying it doesn’t even enter their mind, despite just getting shaded by Marshal in the post below that they don’t have real alignment reads.

And that’s villagery.

Eli posting a meme about BlueLance’s posting (“The Nolyncher” which was admittedly very funny but yeah) instead of making any attempts to call / resolve his alignment is eh.

This feels… odd? I’m not sure if it’s wolfy, it just feels wrong.

This entire push feels very wrong.

Still does. And not because it’s incorrect. There’s something about these posts that rubs me the wrong way.

Good question. Don’t think it un-partners Marl with Marshal, because I think it’s viable to ask it here regardless of alignment, and regardless of Chloe and Marshal’s alignments.

I do really like this assessment of Marl’s post, though. I think it looks really good in light of Marl’s flip.

Marshal is abandoning the Chloe push, Marl wants to spark it right back up. Marshal comments about how Marl is not taking a stance on V/V Marshal/Chloe, or taking a stance supporting Chloe if Chloe is W. Marl voting Chloe and picking the push back up here is like him saying “no, Marshal, in fact, I’m against Chloe! Look!”

Another good look for Marshal, but…

Obviously wrong. Not sure if wolfy wrong, though. I feel like wolf Marshal would realize that pushing Marl here will look good for her, and not undermine it right away? At least wait a bit?

NAI response from Eli, it’s easy to call that dumb from any perspective. You could argue this is wolfy for not taking an actual alignment read-related stance on the dome, but I don’t think that’s AI.

So now Marshal thinks Chloe and Marl can both be wolves? That was quick…

Swaps from Eli to here, and… ??? I don’t know how to evaluate this.


Back to not W/W based on their further interactions.
I think there are so many steps here, very quick steps, that it’s out of wolfrange. I think.

I just wish Marshal didn’t start townreading Marl after that because I’d just clear her and move on if she didn’t. Alas.

The lol scumread on Marshal doesn’t feel like lol actually believes in it at any point during the game, starting here.

Noting that Atlas scumreads three people and isn’t voting any of them, instead they’re voting someone completely unrelated (Chloe) just because “Marl has talked more” and because there was a thunderdome.

Villagery obliviousness or wolfy following of thread consensus? Leaning toward the former because the progression is so obviously bad, but idk.

Villagery thought here, though.

Oh yeah, the previous Marshal scumread was a meme, Atlas actually townreads her.

Very villagery.

Idk about Marshal’s alignment at this point, there’s some villagery stuff and there’s some other stuff that’s a real headscratcher. Some wolfy stuff as well, especially toward the beginning.

I really, really, really dislike the fact Marshal is walking the “v/w confirmed” read here already. It feels like it’s far too soon. It’s like she’s walking back something that’ll be inconvenient for her later. I know I’ve made this read before, but I backread the whole thread until this point again and it rubs me the wrong way once more.

Also implicitly suggests PKR, another villager…


I play on The Syndicate and on Mafia Universe every now and then. I alternate between sites a lot because it’s nice to play in different environments, hopefully makes me a more adaptable player.


I probably won’t be able to contribute much for the next like 10 ish hours, I have the world’s worst sleep schedule

Just a heads up

Currently at something like:

Marshal = lol


Is this going to be a Vul/Marshal/Arete f3
please no.

Marshal/Eli look more aligned but Marshal has more going for her than lol. As for Marshal/Arete I think they are about equal.

I doubt it, that implies I get stabbed at night

The more I read of d1 the more I think you’re the towniest player alive not including me.

Not everyone shares that sentiment, I feel like if we do kill a wolf it’s gonna be me/marshal or you/arete

if we don’t we are done

the issue I’m having right now is that every time I go look at someone’s posts I decide they’re probably a villager

which is obviously wrong for 2 people :joy_cat: