Rwby fm - wolves win! at least it wasnt a ******* scumstomp

im too sick for this shit

I donā€™t want either of you to vote yet, I think Atlas and Eli both have Potentially Alignment Indicative Things to do with regards to the thunderdome

Gonna go trhough one more time
make sure itā€™s not vul/eli
if i can do that

i dont rlly
agree but
whatever, iā€™ll take my time anyways, Iā€™m not gonna yolo and I also donā€™t feel like waiting 2 hours to find out from vul if game is over anyways so :joy_cat:

So im at post 195, and he only has like two good posts

How is he even in the game?

ok zoomer


Yes, almost everyone thought min was town then.

I assure you, it still is, apperantly.

that is one thing eli

how do you forget this

he never even did this
the rest of his posts d2 were just bad, not worth including

finally, hes gonna do the qoutewall

and he isnā€™t

you havenā€™t done anything for the past three days

he has pushed for some villagers, more than youā€™ve done at least

finally, posts about the game
Hippo was one of our 100% town then, callout on derps was good, but anyone could really see that by the time he was voted

never did the iso

neither of these two ever happened

Basically: all his posts suck, only has like three good posts, and every iso he said he would do/qoutewall never happened

keep going atlas, im not decided, i can still see a vul/eli team, like, existing so im not fully decided

im gonna try to sleep again

btw eli that was all your posts worth including

and almost all of them were fluff

You could always case yourself eli, but its not gonna be any better

i donā€™t know, you tell me


ok but
at least iā€™ve been present

you imply that pushing villagers > doing nothing in terms of AI-ness


is that

by pushing i mean pushing that they are vil

And its you who forgot, not me, so you should know

i cannot interpret the meaning of this

i donā€™t know either.
i did.
thatā€™s how

i donā€™t think itsā€™ particularly AI

Are you gonna case yourself or me, since you have problems with my case

every time iā€™ve tried to ISO somebody iā€™ve gotten only to post 30 at max
i donā€™t expect this to turn out any different
so uh
i guess i can try, but donā€™t expect it to actually appear