Rwby fm - wolves win! at least it wasnt a ******* scumstomp

Don’t worry, i haven’t been expecting anything from you all game

(no offense)


Wasn’t saying it to be mean

Anyway, i’ll wait on iso’ing myself until eli gets done/gives up on that

Vote Count

Accused Voters Number
Atlas EliThePsycho 1/3
EliThePsycho Atlas 1/3
Not voting Arete, Marshal, Vulgard 3

Votes are locked.

Atlas doesn’t play like any newbie I’ve seen.

I’ll take that as a compliment

I thought you were somebody’s alt until I realized alts were banned in this game. Take that however you will.

Fun fact: your the second person to accuse me of acting


Are you sure you aren’t teamed with Derps?

I was accused earlier.

I see.

I have a message for everyone, and then the two of you may continue.

It’s not me. It will never be me. At any interval in which you thought “Vul might be mafia” erase it from your memory banks because it might as well not even exist. People will remember me not as the person who played mafia, rather the person who wasn’t mafia. I don’t care if I never make any other significant accomplishment on FoL as long as people understand that in this game I will never flip mafia. I want it written on my tombstone and I want it passed down my generation so if by chance my offspring plays Mafia you are all reminded of the time you lynched me and I wasn’t mafia. Under no circumstance in this game will I ever flip mafia. When the world undergoes heat death millions of years from now and the last star burns out and existence itself is torn asunder, somewhere in the desolated cosmos there will be my last reverberations spreading far and wide that I was never mafia.

Oh, and if you want proof I’m not alting

No, don’t.

Ask eli

Eli invited me

I didn’t think you were alting I just thought you might be a non-alt from another site