Rwby fm - wolves win! at least it wasnt a ******* scumstomp

I’ve never played forum mafia before

indeed i did


I just don’t think i’m going to get anywhere else besides ‘vote atlas’

I don’t know who atlas is
I’ve never played with him
I don’t know his meta
and his pushes don’t buy any sort of credit or anything

Eli is… plausibly mafia by PoE but had a Good Day One, and I think has handled today in a villagerier way than atlas

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one last @Marluxion ping to remind him he is a scrub and buried far less villagers than i did. Get good, those are rookie numbers

Yeah shrugze
I’ve gone through the game a ton
I don’t think my mind is gonna go anywhere else

If i’m wrong i’m sorry, I really really want to win for a number of reasons and if this isn’t a hit i’ll be crushed so i ask you guys not to be, like, extremely “lol xd lw with green rolecard lol” even if my play has not been great, especially if eli is wolf and atlas is not.

There’s a lot of ppl i could blame if one of vul/arete turns out to be wolf, mistyx on arete or arctic on vul or them on each other but realistically if i’m wrong here thats on me and i’ll try to improve for next time

/vote atlas @Aelin

@Arete @Vulgard @EliThePsycho please tell me if game is over

vote acknowledged

the game is not over

i hope

vuls taking too long to type


I’m not surpised.

:neutral_face: yeah i think im wrong

Game ain’t over.

Vul if it’s you/Eli just hammer, don’t make us wait

Oh I assure you, you are. But you know this.

sorry if im wrong i really really tried

Its Marshal and eli.

my hands are physically shaking even though I’m not even the one who voted

@Vulgard if you’re wolf please dont slowroll

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what an
interesting worldview

Vuls not a wolf

We know this