Rwby fm - wolves win! at least it wasnt a ******* scumstomp

I don’t even want to think about how many hours I’ve spent. Mostly because my reads so far have been super incorrect despite all these hours.

please ignore this

i have a campout on thursday, leaving at like 10 in the morning
and i don’t want to have to replace out ;-;

is there anything i can say to convince you towards voting out atlas and keeping shining pillar of villageriness eli in instead

Host is finally done with school
but now im gonna go eat dinner

or maybe ill pass out instead

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I’m already leaning towards voting Atlas


if I vote wrong now then it’s My Fault if we lose

vote now

If you vote wrong later it’s also Your Fault if we lose.

dont think just do it
legit just vote atlas

Don’t even think?

Except it isn’t. Every villager in this f5 has made lots of mistakes.

that sounds wolfy weh
but your’e lock V so

Yes but if I take more time I think I’m more likely to get to the correct answer

I’m so obviously villager as was said by every fucking dead player it’s an insult to not vote atlas


You’ve been overreacting for four damn days now

I’m not going to pressure Arete here, that’s the last thing they need. I’m just glad I was right to trust them.

Sorry for tunneling you for two days. Upward of three. Sorry for putting you on a team with Blizer, sorry for everything.

If that’s not wolf behavior, I dont know what is

nearly every dead player was calling me a wolf

I’m gonna pressure arete that’s how i win

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