Rwby fm - wolves win! at least it wasnt a ******* scumstomp

Atlas also never stood in defense of their townreads, throughout the game. I’ve pointed this out before. The most egregious example is Atlas saying twice in a row they townread Appel while I’m telling Mistyx to vig Appel and Atlas sees that without saying anything about it.

I’m thinking out loud.

If eli flips mafia, then

the vote was me + eli on atlas, and atlas on eli.

in a world where atlas is town, and I am town, you could have quick hammered atlas as mafia 100% of the time. That means that it’s a dome between me and atlas tommorow if eli dies. He’s confirmed mafia from my PoV.

so it’s easy for me kek

In the context of the whole game, it is a problem. A player who’s had scumreads before has never pushed them too hard, until they are a wagon themselves and one vote away from dying. How is that villagery?

I assure you, the feeling is mutual

it’s not wolfy, either
because if they don’t self-pres and die
they lose…

True, I’m the decider in f3 because I’m the only Eli pusher in this thread. The problem is that I don’t know for sure who’s Eli’s partner.

why tf is eli defending atlas from vul

I’m literally calling someone who should be confirmed mafia from your POV a wolf and you’re disagreeing with me?

im not im just pointing out something that’s bothering me

I don’t know what to make of this in any alignment scenario no matter the combo

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We shouldn’t be melding.

Eli thinks its me and vul, and hes gonna do whatever he can to prove that

i’m not
but i’m not saying it on its own is wolfy

it’s NAI

and it really bothers me

but he’s disproving a point vul made against you which makes no sense??? ever? Most plausibly as w/w but even then why would he do that?

He’s defending you from me right now.

i still think he’s a wolf but this point in your case aganist him is bullcrap, so

send help.