Rwby fm - wolves win! at least it wasnt a ******* scumstomp

im going to be shooting based on avatars in cfm glgl

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oh other than the fact that i may have accidentally outed myself as neighbourizer because I didnā€™t know how appel was FPSing and I didnt want to backread the entire thread and hood before making my first post :joy_cat:

Oh fuck

Feel for Vulg this game.

Know how it is to continuously get it wrong as town despite expending massive amounts of effort into the game. It seriously sucks; lylo losses are the most painful ones.

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I constantly openwolfed to make myself look worse so that people would eventually go ā€œokay so if sheā€™s mafia she couldnā€™t be openwolfing THIS much right?ā€ but it never worked and instead just made me like a bit wolfier


good news is it isnt a problem on our end, and its something hecked up in the new discourse update

bad news is it isnt a problem on our end, and its something hecked up in the new discourse update


I guess we just had better gaming socks

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Kill me.

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I literally saw every wolfy thing Marshal did this game and still thought she was town.


did you cop check appel n1, or like

did you see through PR cover

me too

we copped hippo n1, we just saw that nightingale slot was PR


they were the likeliest PR to us and also a doc dodge because it was n2

Yeah i thought so

Iā€™m glad I was in PR PoE. My plan was to fakeclaim Doctor to protect the real Doctor. I was actually considering CCing when Marshal called Arctic the Doctor, but I didnā€™t think it would end up helping the village at the time. I was hoping Arctic wouldnā€™t out there because I was already preparing to fakeclaim.

this entire setup was so i could make Neopolitan the Neapolitan


Iā€™m still surpised nobody but me called that wolfy


is that why the setup is bad :sunglasses:
or was that cuz arete reviewed it

this is probably a joke

Also aelin check discord