Rwby fm - wolves win! at least it wasnt a ******* scumstomp

The only wolf he pushed was Derps, who 1. wasn’t really playing and 2. had the weakest PR on the team! Goons don’t bus PRs for no reason from day 1!

fun fact

he put two of his wolf partners in W/W teams



so he did create that setup and push for later

he wasnt gonn push marshal till later if he didnt get tracked tbh

i could see it happening in terms of distancing and set up

D2 he came in pushing lol, who was town, and added Eli to the PoE, who was also town. The only wolf in his D2 PoE was Derps and Derps was the weakest PR who also wasn’t really playing.

I’m not arguing he wouldn’t push Marshal, but also, he never really pushed Marshal in this game. Nor Atlas. This proves goons don’t bus the PRs on their team unless there’s a good reason.

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fair enough

i think he did give himself some setup though if thread ever turned on marsh, where he would push for an Eli misyeet afterwards

but alas, he got red checked

Oh no, there was definitely some distancing going on, but not outright bussing. The take that Marl busses his partners for no reason, his PR partners when he’s a goon, was pure pepega.

To be fair, the main provider of that take was Marl’s wolf partner.

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Yeah true true

I do recognize the irony of Marl getting button clicked in this game and Marshal rubbing it in, when in a recent game, town!Marl button clicked wolf!Marshal.

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Tbfh this site’s absolute shit when it comes to making associative reads. On one hand you have people who think that making a RVS vote on another person means that they can’t be W/W and other the other hand you can have a person have an extremely detailed progression and begin a CFD on a wolf KP and some people here would still call it a bus.

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Blizer/Derps/Arete is the team!

Vote Derps, caught scum!


i just wanted an excuse to village read derps for a day without having to put reasoning down

Your mind is incomprehensible. From this point onward I am reading you based on how hard you’ve been wolfsiding.

also i said this in thread ingame but i do genuinely believe it

every PR is the same weight when 3 of them are alive
no matter who dies the team will be 1 roleblocker and 1 neapolitan

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Thats how Arete reads marsh i think

also again

that EoD with PKR cfd

was very yikes

True, but my point still applies because the idea was that Marl bussed all of his partners and that would be ???. Especially this early.

I would like to point out that if lol does die, Arete doesn’t get the chance to replace in and we probably vote wrong in f5 because I’m the decider, or Marshal is.

I think arete’s reading of me is more nuanced

I was completely unable to pocket arete this game when i generally can, my playstyle i chose this game was not conducive to it and i couldn’t just change it, which meant those “predict what arete will say and say it before them and mindmeld” things just couldn’t happen

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oh i agree, when arete found that upick quote i was sweating hard, I ended up having to just concede eli/arete not w/w and therefore atlas likely w because i really couldn’t counter it

More than likely tbh

i was likely the yeet on d4

or PKR is somehow

but in retrospect, that EoD looked really fucking bad

my only big mistake was read Derps/Marsh as T/W, which props to them, was a good w/w interaction