Rwby fm - wolves win! at least it wasnt a ******* scumstomp

i chopchopped my wolfpartners for towncred


oh god
I remember the game as scum where he came up with this and I tried to get people to use it

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oh that post was hilarious

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remember the game when seth


I think this is inherently kind of a hard problem, because you canā€™t control what the villagers do, and sometimes youā€™re trying to look W/W with a villager and the villager turns around and does something that looks super unpartnery. With that being said, I think the biggest thing from your play in particular that made me think you were unpartnered with him was this post:

I already tried to outline this in the game thread but this is basically completely at odds with how I would expect a wolf to treat a W/W dichotomy where you donā€™t, fundamentally, actually care which wolf goes down (which you wouldnā€™t, since Marl was the Goon and Eli and Derps were otherwise in ~similar positions in the thread) ā€“ if Mist indeed shoots in Derps/Eli, it makes you look great in one case, and completely awful in the other case, and given that if theyā€™re W/W you wouldnā€™t actually have a preference there would be relatively little reason for you to do it.

Marl also had a couple posts tying you together that I thought he probably wouldnā€™t make if you were W/W, thatā€™s obviously not something you can really affect.

The last point I hesitate to mention, and I want to be clear that as much as possible, I tried to avoid consciously reasoning based on it, but you two got into a fight in the thread about whether or not to nightskip so that he didnā€™t have to replace out, and you then tried to angle-spew yourself it clear off of it, and I didnā€™t think that, as a wolf, you would deliberately cheat in order to spew yourself not W/W with a teammate. Some parts of this were things Eli did, but some parts of this were on you, so ā€¦ donā€™t do that, in the future.

I wasnā€™t in the game concurrently with either of you so I donā€™t really have useful feedback.

Marl, I thought you did a good job emulating your town meta, but some of your spew was good for town in a way that it didnā€™t have to be ā€“ like, you kind of spewed yourself as bussing Derps, at least according to the people casing him. Getting tracked isnā€™t really your fault, I have no opinion on that.

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I wanna say give me feedback

but i kind also realize where i went wrong this game in terms of my progression and thought process (Along with reads and self voting and ate)

i member

makes sense

wait link this i wanna see it

I canā€™t tell if this is a request for feedback or not

Take it as you will

yeah i made that post because it was very clear to me that that spewed us as not w/w

i shouldnt have made that post (I said so after i did it) but yeah i realized that a wolf eli is never genuinely concerned about me not nightskipping if iā€™m his partner so

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button clicked?

get good marl


My lil bro asked me for some feedback from you



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Game was kinda a vibe

gg idk whatever

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@Marshal Did you actually?

I told you!!!




he did distance/setup on derps and marshal

only slot he really defended was Atlas and PKR tbh