Rwby fm - wolves win! at least it wasnt a ******* scumstomp

Can I see that thing again?

I have a solution to the problem
policy lynch Marshal d1


Maybe lmao


i think the only player ive seen step up their wolf game within one game was FK

dude just fucking went insane as wolf one game, and became the best player on the site within that game

was honestly nuts

Maybe honestly

but i was gonna get hammered by Eli afterwards i think

imagine randing wolf ever

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my issue is that hard wolfsiding is in my village meta :pensive:

guess i gotta try now

Yeah, can you explain why you went bus ā†’ convince a villager to quickhammer ā†’ bus again? I feel like you couldā€™ve played it differently after bus #1.

Honestly day before, where we yeeted derps i was actually like ā€œFlip me so you guys can re-eval everyslotā€

even if i wasnt fully re-evaling every slot, my flip needed to happen this game or wolfs would have won more decisively i feel

Trying to find it rn.

Well I explained ā€˜convince villager to quickhammerā€™. I wanted as little time for you/arete to post and realise the other was v. That was my main rationale.

After that it was f5 and I weighed my options.

I wanted you to vote first (as you figured out) but that couldnā€™t end up happening, and I had to vote after the cross.

You had thrown out the idea of a me/eli w/w team pretty strongly, and seemed to be leaning eli, so I thought that even if I voted atlas youā€™d be going eli 100% of the time.

At that point if you did go eli I was in a solid position, because if arete goes eli then we win, and if arete goes atlas, eli already thought it was you/atlas and me voting with him and you against him only solidified that, and I thought i would be able to use atlas cred to convince you it was eli over me.

It was the safer option overall, I thought that as long as you voted eli the game would be in a good position regardless

Good plan.

I also very nearly killed you and had day not been shortened I was gonna fake a strong v read on you and kill you over hippo, giving me cred for the read and an excuse for hippo and myself to be alive

The only way I donā€™t vote Eli in f3 is a scenario where nobody votes for a while and I remember that there were reasons to clear Eli. Especially relevant in a world with only 1 wolf between you and Eli.

But, wellā€¦ there wasnā€™t much time to remember those reasons, was there?


I have an inside joke for Atlas:
Welcome @Atlas!

Welcome! Sorry I was away, didnā€™t get to greet the newcomers

You get the joke, right


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