Rwby fm - wolves win! at least it wasnt a ******* scumstomp

this is where i’m at but without the ‘a lot’

PKR literally doing nothing since ATEing at SoD is a bad look and if he flips mafia I’d have to readjust some of my reads so I dont think chucking him into EoD wagons is a bad thing unless he improves a lot.

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i most definitely planned on chucking him into eod wagons

Dont shoot marl if i die today

Im not feelin’ it

I’ll try to expand later

im actually shooting lol n1

this post is maybe 40% a joke

will me saying it’s a good shot make you less likely to take it

Im just glad someonw smart has the gun

Not having to worry about a heroshooter is good


ok good
do it

who in this gamestate even is a hero shot

other than like

marshal and min


i feel like theres barely any consensus

i’ve looked over appel iso

her reads don’t really give the vibe of wolf trying to change the tide but there is a type of confidence there
overall it’s not a ton for me to really clear off of but i’d put her maybe 5% likelier to be a villager than a wolf

i think chloe repeatedly going “oh yeah mist is competent smiley face” is kinda wolfy tbh

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Yeah, that’s a no from my chief.
You’re both more likely than not town (from my reads)
I feel like you’re just more paranoid about her than other players due to her being good.


And i don’t necessarily just mean heroshots

The fact that you’ll actually put brainpower into a shot and not just blindly shoot your personal reads is good

Shoot joy_wowee tbh

what are your full reads out of curiosity

or just like

any that you feel good about posting

Just accept the compliment smh

realistically i don’t actually want to focus the dome a ton for the next few hours. I want to focus finding villagers outside of it.

If i had to say i’d go marl, i’ve caught glimpses of that “I am the best player and will destroy every wolf” stuff that makes marl obvious town as town. I still don’t like his post at me during me and chloe’s argument. It seemed awfully sideliney and it was addressed at me. But atm i’d honestly probably put him at >rand v because outright thunderdoming someone and confidently declaring them an opportunistic wolf is villagery for him. Didn’t really want to say I felt that way and encourage him if he is wolf but it’s what i’m feeling.

I can’t say it being v/v is technically out of the question (w/w is, chloe’s annoyance is genuine, either she’s v or w who’s annoyed at marl for catching her) but I find it likely that at least one of them is mafia considering marl’s comment at me combined with the fact that chloe is wolfy

this is all i rlly wanna say on the 'dome. It’s unlikely to actually hold to EoD but i like it being in place atm, marl and chloe are 2 slots I want eyes on. im gonna focus on other stuff rn


the one time PKR gives a read without being prompted feels like agenda