Rwby fm - wolves win! at least it wasnt a ******* scumstomp

@EliThePsycho don’t be shy.
We have a few hours before EoD. Lets talk.

admittedly this is pretty level 0 but he has like no content – which around now i’d start saying is worrying
but i still don’t want to kill eli today

one sec let me do that (showing up next post)

why do people do this
they go
“i read them correctly in the past”
and then use that as justification…
like c’mon at least use something real as justification

so the whole thing about BlueLance is dum

i do not like this in any way
he may be correct for all i care
but i don’t like how he instantly switches from “BlueLance not playing the game lets get em bois” to “BlueLance locktown”

crich scum

why does he feel the need to include the bottom 2
he’s basically just discrediting everybody else’s worldview in 1 go
which is something a wolf would do

crich no
don’t give into the dark side

just no

catchup post complete
i only started quoting like halfway through so let’s see how long it is

you called?


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also now i gotta make a rebuttal for wazza’s case one sec

i like it

Yes I did.
I like to see where your head is at with this game.

Really? Eli looks to be more in his scum meta here, both are similar but have small differences

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And what if I already have?

I haven’t played with Eli in a while, but actually making reads used to be >>rand V for him, and having a decent density of solving in his ISO also used to be >>rand V, making it >>>>rand V combined.

Has he randed wolf lately?

the lack of content being the main one which yes, we are rapidly approaching becoming a concern
but i want t see if he improves D2

I’m realizing that it might not be as clear to others, but by “statement” I meant the post about the awkwardness. I originally just kind of ignored it, but when Min pointed it out that way, it made me change my mind on it. Keep in mind that these were the first ~100 posts or so

kill crich or pkr today

Idk. He was gigafrozen (for the most part) when I pressured and caught him in triple threat, gigafrozen (for the most part) when Solic caught him in JoaT^2 and gigafrozen (for the most part) in the anonymous FoL. All these games were a while ago, though, which is why I’m asking for recent wolfgames.

i think lack of people hopping on this mans throat is a red flag

@Ami has replaced in for @BlueLance, effectively immediately. Do not discuss replacements or I’ll modkill you noobs

my head is at:
lol = scum
what in the diddly darn tarnation is vul doing
min and artic ez clap town
crich = scum
appel was in the game?
i feel like i had one other scumread but idk where it went
might’ve been wazza


my recent wolfgames is basically just
blood on the forums or something