Save deathnote feature

I can’t imagine this hasn’t been brought up before so I’m sorry if this has already been suggested. I’m VERY sorry if this is already a feature and I missed it.

But I’d like the option to save my death notes. That way I could take the time to make really elaborate ones without having to constantly recreate them. And since there are multiple classes this applies to it would be nice to have multiple slots to save the notes. When you’re in game you click on death note and you can either draw a new deathnote or click an option that pops up to load a saved deathnote.

If this becomes a thing I would be happy with at least enough slots to save one deathnote per class that’s applicable. And the ability to draw and save them in the lobby/main menu so I can draw without having to multitask in game. Thanks for considering!

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Firstly, the death note has to be stored somewhere. either server sided (their relative databases)
or On your pc. Now, This can be abused in many ways. For instance, if you could upload pictures. no more “Penis drawings” but actual NSFW content.
I suppose, if you take a long time and a lot of effort into the death note, Just take a screenshot of them. and Share it

I find this idea… somewhat… Unsafe. But yeah i get you.
IF you were able to somehow manifest it as a client-side feature, then you could simply edit the files via the game directory or in-app data -So fourth.
Also causing this issue.
Maybe changing the death note system to a “Menu Item” where you can create the death notes and they are then stored in your individual accounts. You can draw them before a game, and select them in-game or before the game start.
much like the death animation was chosen for ToS. However, this would require a lot of client-work and server-sided work

thats what i mean. you cant import anything into the game from outside. My idea is that there is an option in the main menu called deathnotes or something. that brings you to a screen where you can choose to draw a new death note or edit/delete other deathnotes that youve saved. If you hit draw a new deathnote, it brings up the note just like it does now in game, and you draw it just like you would in the real game. and then you can load the saved deathnotes that you drew in the main menu. Nothing can be imported from outside the game. There would be just as much of a chance this idea would generate “rule breaking” drawings as there is now. For example, id like to spend a half hour making a really cool deathnote for when i play reaper. that way when i am reaper i can load it from the saved deathnotes when i’m in the game and not have to be distracted in the game making my deathnote. But sometimes its cool to make situational deathnotes in the game based on whats going on, so there should still be an option in game to make a new deathnote, not load a saved one.

Kind of necroing an old thread here, but I completely agree with this, as someone who typically spend until d3 drawing their death note over and over again, it would be nice to simply be able to save a single DN to your account and be able to load it like the default logs layout.

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