SCP FM - Dead Chat

I looked back at the chat and looks like Geyde deleted it


Drug dealer is fun but everyone is literally not doing the best thing with it

X revealed himself to you as The friendly neighbhor, aligned with town.

You were converted into chaos mayor


Boss used it to give Shadow ‘roleblock and redirection immunity’

That in a setup with 3 masons would be susp

No it wouldn’t, this game isn’t “Bastard”

Friendly neighbhor is an actual role

They reveal their alignment to the player they target

El traductor ha fajado


Eu, filho do carbono e do amoníaco,
Monstro de escuridão e rutilância,
Sofro, desde a epigênese da infância,
A influência má dos signos do zodíaco.

Profundissimamente hipocondríaco,
Este ambiente me causa repugnância…
Sobe-me à boca uma ânsia análoga à ânsia
Que se escapa da boca de um cardíaco.

Já o verme — este operário das ruínas —
Que o sangue podre das carnificinas
Come, e à vida em geral declara guerra,

Anda a espreitar meus olhos para roê-los,
E há-de deixar-me apenas os cabelos,
Na frialdade inorgânica da terra!

Unstoppable SK vs F3 SK in a 25p

Which is better go

That’s actually pretty offensive you shouldn’t say things like that

Monstro de escuridão e rutilância.

Lone SK in 23p game
No balance

Does final three make it a king maker or that everyone loses

They win if they are alive in the final 3 players, ending the game instantly.


In this scenario SK wins instantly

They are literally both awful in a 25 p game

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Let me find an article, even tho its old

Makes scp game without scp