*scuttle scuttles* WHO WE SENDIN

Either Marl or Molly or Orange or hippo for me

The rest isn’t around too often, refuse to be nominated, or hasnt been around long enough for me

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Idk if Orange can handle the time for it. I say we vote Marl if he could handle it and Eevee as backup.

Honestly I’d make time for the champs

But I’d also be ok with Eevee/Mole/Hippo/Marl going


@Queen_Alfa why is mole not on the list he’s been nominated at least twice lol

Idk, mental health is important are you sure?

Marl for Pres
Eevee for Vice


I’ll be literally done with school by then

If Marl gets impeached we send Eevee. Orange could be treasured Incase all our leaders …

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eevee and orange are both more experienced than marl though

Like I have a final next friday, and then finish my AP Exams in the very beginning of May

Past that I’m entirely free, more or less


You were willing to vote me!

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Don’t tell me about APs. May 17th. AP World. Then regents in June which is a joke haha

You are secretly an FM god though

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(Don’t tell them my secrets) nah I am not I am just a guy who tries to target someone execute them, them show up as town and somehow still survives

Not in World this year, took it last year

I have Psychology, English Literature, Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism, and Computer Science A

Well hot shot physics C I see. Very difficult class. Good luck.

Psych with Biology and U.S. history is next year.

Wouldn’t take Bio if you paid me :stuck_out_tongue:

Also no math?

Pre calc is next year along with calc the harder one senior year. Along with computer science the coding AP not principles.

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